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Follower Sandboxing Question

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So I'm working on an update for my player home mod to make it compatible with the Hearthfire multiple adoptions mod. This has forced me to banish the followers quarters to the basement that I've created. What I want to know, is if I tell a follower to relax in the home, will the followers sandbox into the basement through the load door?


Since this is going to be used by people with all sorts of companions, editing companion behavior is out of the question.

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What kind of load door is it? A simple load door to another part of the same cell will probably work fine for sandboxing NPCs. if it's an actual cell transition door to a separate cell, that will not work without some type of a travel package to the other cell as NPCs do not use cell transitions when sandboxing - they can't "see" any idle or furniture markers to interact with if they are not in the same cell.


Since you mention a basement, also keep in mind that there are vertical limits for sandboxing NPCs. The Multiple Floors Sandboxing mod has a good explanation of this behavior on the page. You don't need to use that mod but if you want to have some vertical sandboxing happen for your NPCs or followers you'll need to take the information detailed on that page into account for your mod.

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