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Bliss or Crucible


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I would lean towards bliss because of my fondness of bright colors, i am easily amused so i could look at the colors for a while, on the other hand i have a side of the REAL me that often leans towards death, and suffering, neutral colors, so i would probably hang out in Crucible more often than in bliss. And yes i realize i just contradicted myself, i do that.
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Dementia all the way, or was it bliss? Maybe it was crucible? Aha! Mania?


if that doesnt answer your question for me then i guess maybe you dont really know the deepness of your question.......Or do you?

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Crucible---hands down. I liked the overcast wether(as I do in real-life) and Dementia always seemed like a more interesting place to me than Mania.
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Mania, hands down. Love that place. All of the technicolor lighting and brightness. I just wish it was bigger and more heavily populated with more whackos all over the place. I could get used to setting up a semi-perminant residence in Mania if it was over all bigger with more people and quests and guilds. Personally I think Cyrodiil needs a little touch of Bliss to it, everyone's so stuck up. =P


I guess character-wise my Nord, Magnus Hansisson would be more prone to Dementia. He's violent and more than a little bit of a jerk. He is however an alcoholic and a hard-partier. I suppose if there were enough monsters to smash he could make the adjustment.


It does seem kind of sunny, though. I'm not overly fond of anything above 69 degrees. I guess I'll just have to wait until Sheogorath's Realm expands and a colder place appears. XD Seriously, Daedric Realms are supposed to be enormous. Madhouse is over-do for some growth.

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and the sewers in Bliss are lovely? :P



They are actually. Well, we don't have sewers so much as crystal-clear rivers flowing through the streets.


Yeah, I actually feel disgusted when having to walk in crucible and try to jump over the sewage water as much as possible.


Having a split personality makes me unable to decide, mostly I like bliss, but it is more fun to murder somebody in Crucible.

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And what if I'm manic-depressive? :)


My elf would more than likely enjoy your company and would invite you over for tea.


I'd want to live in both towns. One town on even days, the other town on odd days.

No, wait..... reverse that.

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