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Discovered Locations Problem


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Hi guys, here is my problem:

I counted all my discovered locations on game map. Currently there are 125 visited and unlocked locations as I counted. But under the genaral stats window it says "Discovered Locations: 123"


Just want to know that have you ever counted your locations on your game map personally and is it the same as general stats panel's report? (i counted many times, and definetly sure there are 125 discovered locations on my map. i didn't make mistake)


In other words, I can fast travel between 125 locations but stats panel says i have 123. What's problem with other 2?


Please inform me, thanks.

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Not really, I didn't install any third party content.



You may be right, but which one is other one then?


I found a fan-made full locations map and marked my locations on it (1 black strip : 1 location)

take a look


Please can you check your discovered locations on your map and compare it with stats panel's report?

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Well, thanks for your interest but i'm not sure how can I type quotes on console. copy-paste isn't allowed either.


Actually I just want to know am I the only one who gets this bug or not. If it's not a big deal, guys, please can you count your unlocked and fast travelable locations on your map too?

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There are some bugs in general stats, like in the quests stats, I've done the 16 Daedric quests but in general stats said only 15, after I've done another quest for winterhold college ( aftershock quest ) sometimes appears in the count but then disappears, about the locations discovery I realy never count because I've discovery more than 370 locations ( that what it said in general stats ) and I never check with map.

what really matters is that they appear in the map after you discovery.

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lol you counted 125 locations? Why? And how did you find out that 123 locations wasn't correct? lol that's very funny to me.


Sorry for trolling but, even if there is a glitch, why would you even care about that?

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