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Discovered Locations Problem


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Not really, I didn't install any third party content.



You may be right, but which one is other one then?


I found a fan-made full locations map and marked my locations on it (1 black strip : 1 location)

take a look


Please can you check your discovered locations on your map and compare it with stats panel's report?


I think OP, you're a person that has to make sure every strand of a fringe rug is in it's correct place or it drives you crazy. :wink:


Can't help you with that... but thanks for the link that led me to find the original map you refered to. Cool map, and kudos to you. Good luck with your "dilemma". :ermm:

Edited by Sergeant Rock
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lol some of these replies made me laugh too but thanks to your interests anyway. the thing that i said is an atypical calculation bug and I just wanted to know have you ever seen that too. if it doesn't happen only to me, better we should report the bug to bethesda. so this isn't 'my' dilemma :) i can change all the values in game by a text editor if it really annoys me.
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