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Oblivion CTD's


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My oblivion crashes on three occasions (Maybe more):


1. Starting a new game. The loading bar will load, but then it will crash right away before the intro plays.

2. pressing my wait button (It doesn't show the menu pop-up for how long i want to wait, it just... crashes.)

3. collecting more than three arrows. The Prompt to ask me if i want to pick up all three or just a select amount of arrows does not show up, instead I'm presented with a black window and a CTD.


Load order (MO mod organizer/ obmm):



Im now assuming its my UI mod... after removing the MenuQue OBSE plugin, it started to work! But the problem is: I wanna be able to use DarnUI!


Please help me!

oh and before you ask:


Yes i read what i require for my mods! Hopefully i didnt miss something...


and also here is my obmm just incase!:


[Edit]: FIXED!

Found out that the way i installed it using MO sorta made problems with file paths for the DarnUI, so thats why only selectively some menu prompts like "How much?" when picking up more than one item, the waiting sliding menu and also even starting a new game caused CTD's. How did i fix it you may ask? I installed the Darkified DarnUI http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/11280/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Foblivion%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D11280&pUp=1

manually! After reading the instructions and adjusting the Oblivion.ini as needed, i went into my game with a working menus and also DarnUI! That now doesn't crash when i want to wait! I never thought id miss those annoying screens prompting you how much you want to drop or pick up... lesson learned: Don't follow two year old guides, some mods are broken, and learn to install mods MANUALLY!


Edited by VitaminZeth
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