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Opening Skyrim interface graphics in Photoshop/Flash?


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I'm trying to extract the UI/HUD and menu graphics from Skyrim for use in a video I shot (live action footage, the graphics would be overlaid on top).


I know the files in question that I seek are apparently contained within the Skyrim .BSA files. Following directions taken from this site I extracted them using one the Fallout managers (FOV I believe) and did extract all on everything in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Interface folder


I figured I was home free at this point but when I opened the .SWF files such as inventorymenu.swf in Adobe Flash, nothing comes up. As in a window pops up and nothing is there. I also installed SWiX and tried it with that, but all that comes up is code I don't know how to read and when it compiles again nothing plays on the screen. I know I must be missing something but I'm a noob at the modding scene, so I'm hoping someone can help point me in the right direction. My intention is to get the graphics into a program like Final Cut with alpha channels, or barring that, into a program like After Effects or Flash where I can key it out to where I have alpha channels


Thanks ahead.

Edited by alsmithee
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  • 9 months later...

This is an old post but I'm on this very same "quest": figuring out the Interface API.


This much I know, since I'm a professional Flash programmer: SWFs cannot be edited. Period. Older versions can be semi-decompiled but the graphics in generall cannot, and in this case they are the most important part.


You need access to the FLA (or AS3 or MXML) sourcecode file(s) that they are compiled from.


Furthermore, my understanding is that the Skyrim UI is based on a third-party Library called scaleform, and that it's coded in AS2 (VERY old and limited) and compiled in Flash 10. This article at http://www.gameskyrim.com tells more about it, for anyone following this thread.

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