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Vampire Death Animation Mod Idea.


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I have an idea for a mod. It's not exactly Lore friendly, but it would still be pretty cool as it would add a little more enjoyment to hunting Vampires in Skyrim if you're on the Dawnguard side or going after ferals as the Volkihar side. I need the help of someone who knows how to mess with modding because I haven't the slightest idea how but I thought this would be pretty cool. When the Ash Spawns from Solstheim die, they turn to ash. Not a little pile of purple snow like when the "zombies" die, but an actual pile of smoldering ash that actually looks like real ash. I noticed when I killed one with a sword that has a fire enchantment on it that it looked like it burned up into ash Blade style and was wondering if we could somehow implement that into happening when a vampire dies. There's a guy on the nexus who made a mod called "True Death" that made vampires explode in a pile of gore True Blood style and simply disintegrate like the "zombies" do when they die, so I thought if he could figure out a way to do it then maybe we could pull it off.

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