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Creation Club Summer 2017


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I'm half wondering if this means an end to high-quality mods on the Nexus. And if that /is/ the case... The site is in real trouble... Without a steady flow of high-quality mods, the Nexus should suffer quite the hit in traffic and subsequent ad revenue. They'll essentially be living by niche mods and heavy hitting mods that released before the announcement.


Side-note: Does this also mean we'll not see any high-quality mods come out on the Nexus until Summer (When the fate of this 'Creation Club' is decided. ) and beyond?

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I'm half wondering if this means an end to high-quality mods on the Nexus. And if that /is/ the case... The site is in real trouble... Without a steady flow of high-quality mods, the Nexus should suffer quite the hit in traffic and subsequent ad revenue. They'll essentially be living by niche mods and heavy hitting mods that released before the announcement.


Side-note: Does this also mean we'll not see any high-quality mods come out on the Nexus until Summer (When the fate of this 'Creation Club' is decided. ) and beyond?


Stop with the nonsense spreading. None of the existing mods will go anywhere. The vast majority of mod makers won't even get into this program.

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I'm half wondering if this means an end to high-quality mods on the Nexus. And if that /is/ the case... The site is in real trouble... Without a steady flow of high-quality mods, the Nexus should suffer quite the hit in traffic and subsequent ad revenue. They'll essentially be living by niche mods and heavy hitting mods that released before the announcement.


Side-note: Does this also mean we'll not see any high-quality mods come out on the Nexus until Summer (When the fate of this 'Creation Club' is decided. ) and beyond?


Stop with the nonsense spreading. None of the existing mods will go anywhere. The vast majority of mod makers won't even get into this program.


he never said existing mods would go anywhere. He said the opposite. Existing mods would stay but nothing new, of high quality, would be uploaded until the mod author knows whether or not he could make some money from the work which makes sense. I have to wonder if some current projects aren't being put a bit on hold because of this. For example I was really looking forward to chesko's needs mod for skyrim but atm im unsure if he intends to upload the finished project to the CC in the summer or to upload it to nexus for free and I think thats what the guy above you is referring to.


Also you dont have any idea if beth will actually curate the CC. If bethesda.net was anything to go by they will likely put two overworked and unpaid forum admins on approvals for the CC and they will ultimately end up approving pretty much everyone. Hell even in their own trailer they basically admitted that they didn't intend to sell massive high quality DLC sized projects to people but single weapon mods or a dwarven mudcrab lmao. Im sorry but you can't expect me to have tones of faith in beths ability to curate anything after bethesda net or that even though they advertised the CC as a microtransaction hub at E3 that it will suddenly be an exclusive site for the best of the best to be commissioned for huge projects.

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I do have an idea which says they'll curate it. Nobody is going to take team members away from active development to teach a bunch of nobodies how to make horse armour. No game dev company will take their personnel off their projects and share all the requires inside knowledge and tools for everyone.

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I do have an idea which says they'll curate it. Nobody is going to take team members away from active development to teach a bunch of nobodies how to make horse armour. No game dev company will take their personnel off their projects and share all the requires inside knowledge and tools for everyone.


Point to me in the FAQ where it says you will be taught game development by bethesda or even have access to the actual dev tools.


Explain to me how you need one on one teaching and access to dev tools directly from bethesda to produce a bow mod for skyirm and a dwarven mudcrab.


Nothing they showed at E3 and nothing in the FAQ remotely indicates you will have direct access to the development tools or that you will even be working with bethesda in any real substantial way.

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But, thereâs a constant demand from our fans to add more official high quality content to our games, and while we are able to create a lot of it, we think many in our community have the talent to work directly with us and create some amazing new things.


This line... I love it!ÃÂ



edt: Whole sentence slightly contradicts itself.

I don't agree with that at all. Honestly I have enjoyed many of high quality mods on the nexus site, and alot of dedicated Modder's on here with knowledge and know how that I wish I had. I have messed with creation kit and changed a few small things but nowhere near the talent found here. What I'm saying is I think this modding community usually fixes Bethesda's mistakes and creates better content then they do origionally. Mayb there think tank has run dry and grabbing at straws, dunno

Edited by mortisedsnail35
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I do have an idea which says they'll curate it. Nobody is going to take team members away from active development to teach a bunch of nobodies how to make horse armour. No game dev company will take their personnel off their projects and share all the requires inside knowledge and tools for everyone.


Point to me in the FAQ where it says you will be taught game development by bethesda or even have access to the actual dev tools.


Explain to me how you need one on one teaching and access to dev tools directly from bethesda to produce a bow mod for skyirm and a dwarven mudcrab.


Nothing they showed at E3 and nothing in the FAQ remotely indicates you will have direct access to the development tools or that you will even be working with bethesda in any real substantial way.



Ugh.. It's like you are intentionally trying to be blind. They bloody state it themselves. Mods are curated, not existing mods are accepted, and accepted devs will be paid and treated as employees of the company. They will have to provide documentation and reach milestones, and will work closely with the BGS dev team. They won't pull those people out of the team and waste everyone's very expensive time for your stupid bow.

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I understand that it's a bit tiresome to have to explain everything @Ethreon, but we're pretty light on information here. Some things are concrete, but to what extent? ( Amount of support for authors from employees at Bethesda. ) Some things are confirmed, but need expanding upon. ( The fate of compilations and necessary division of pay across authors involved in such compendiums. ) Some things are left intentionally vague when they could potentially make or break the system. ( All methods of acquiring Bethesda Credits. )


It's frustrating, how little information we have. You'll have to forgive folks for trying to speculate what could fill in the blanks. Until Bethesda comes out with a comprehensive list of ever FAQ the community has to offer, you'll just have to accept that we're all sort of... Well, worried. And aye, I know this isn't something you didn't already know, but you seemed a little snappy so I thought we could slow down the pace here just a tad.

Edited by maximizers
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And would u even buy a simple bow mod, as far as my limited experience simple stat changes and skins are doable mostly at my level making from scratch mayb not yet but working on it. Plus that's half the fun makeing something and sharing hopefully one day ill have something worth sharing. (sorry this post sounds a little ugrateful to people who do share cool and unique reskins, it's not a reflection on the peoples work here, just from a business point of view) Edited by mortisedsnail35
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