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Creation Club Summer 2017


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fishing mingame, armors, swords and bleak, uninspired followers without any trace of a character.

Also, those bs mods you're suggesting won't get past the "email deleted" part.
Uh... Except that kind of stuff is exactly what they showed at E3, minus the followers and the fishing minigame... Did you miss that?
It was high quality works, not "my first model and texture made from cardboard and crayons :)". Very typical micro dlc.


EA looks like saints now.


Regarding comments about Bethesda sending C&Ds to modders making similar works, I highly doubt that will ever happen, they'd have to shut down free modding entirely


No they wouldn't have to shut down free modding entirely. That makes no sense.


Think of it this way. When money is involved, or there is a possible threat of money being involved, Bethesda has a long track record of suing and/or sending threats via lawyers to the 'offending' parties.


So...such and such internal or external 'creator' makes an uber buttrendering axe of nugget smashing. They sell it for 300 credits or whatever. Some other aspiring modder had a better uber nuttrendering axe of bugget smashing already available via bethnet or nexus. 'Well shucks, that looks awfully like the buttrendering axe of nugget smashing our company just released' thinks Mr. Lawyer, twiddling his greedy, grimy hands. 'We can't have that now can we. It cuts into our profits'. BAM - aspiring modder who made that really cool uber nuttrendering axe of bugget smashing is told to remove his mod, or the DCMA goes to the company(ies) hosting the mod. POOF - the Nuttrender is gone.


I'm only saying this because Bethesda/Zenimax pull crap like this more than any other game company out there. They are sue happy. Screwing with modders is not below them if it affects their bottom line. It hasn't so far, but with this new CC thing, it very well could. Especially since many of the really good modders have been quite vocal about keeping their mods free.


Hope I'm wrong. Would be great if it's not the case. Then we can all hold hands, sing Dragonborn theme songs, and ride magic rainbow farting unicorns over the wasteland.

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We recreate stuff from previous games, or stuff from DLC as non-DLC items all the time. Beth never bothered anyone as long as you used your own materials and work.

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Wonder if this Creation Club model would work in terms of getting SKSE64 and SkyUI SE completed?


Contracting with a team of crack modders to come up with packages of shiny guns and paddle-like swords for the parents of PS4 and XBox players to purchase seems like a deviously entrepreneurial coup for Bethesda.

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Will pay for quest mods!

Good. You won't be paying for any mods then! :laugh:


Again, this would require voice actors be on call for 3rd party creators. That's almost certainly not going to happen.


I don't mind rpg text adventures

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This is whats going to happen.


Game content will be reduced and the things you normally got as part of the game will be behind this Creation Club Pay wall, and it is a paywall no matter how much they try to hide it behind the "Credit" system.


The Bug filled incomplete game you used to pay $80 for will now be a $200 bug filled incomplete game with less default content.


The system they have created is completely unwarranted and completely destructive to the modding community. A few jealous modders who fume over Youtube people making money talking about their mods is giving Bethesda Softworks (Not Studios) an opening to fleece mod users and lower costs with "contractors". I would be concerned if I was a grunt in the gaming industry.


You will not be making a living making mods. Sorry. Perhaps less than 1% of the modders on this site are really talented enough to make that happen. Bethesda is counting onyour greed to get you to help them increase their bottom line. Not because they are evil or hate you, its because they are a publicly traded Corporate entity that is required by law to pursue profits over all else.

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fishing mingame, armors, swords and bleak, uninspired followers without any trace of a character.

Also, those bs mods you're suggesting won't get past the "email deleted" part.
Uh... Except that kind of stuff is exactly what they showed at E3, minus the followers and the fishing minigame... Did you miss that?
It was high quality works, not "my first model and texture made from cardboard and crayons :)". Very typical micro dlc.


EA looks like saints now.


Regarding comments about Bethesda sending C&Ds to modders making similar works, I highly doubt that will ever happen, they'd have to shut down free modding entirely


I doubt it to but at the same time I don't. Obviously not anytime soon but changes like this are done over time. It goes fine for the first year or two and the next thing you know really popular free mods are taken down and then free mods are dead. Again I doubt it but there will always be that doubt in the back of my mind that says we may be watching the death of free mods.


If this is done right and tactfully it could expose us to some new content we could have never anticipated and of a higher quality than we would have if it was made as a free mod. I try to be open minded but I do believe that it is reasonable to be scared of what is to come because it is too many unknowns. Personally I probably wont buy anything because I'm broke and until I hear/see proof that they are giving the mod authors a good chunk of change because lets be real these mods will be up forever (reasonably speaking of course) and Bethesda stands to make millions of dollars from a single mod. A payment of a few hundred dollars to mod authors is pretty low considering how much money the will make. Obviously IT will have a super slow adoption rate because of peoples speculation, and people out of protest, but it will pick up speed at some point (unless it utterly crashes and burns which is not out of the real of possibilities).


Math time. Awkcr has a little over 918000 unique downloads. If this mod was made on the creation club and lets say they charge 5 dollars for this mod (I have a feeling this is a super low number but in this case better to shoot low than to shoot high). That equates to 4,590,000 dollars. Also this is Bethesda's in house system so unless they are giving mod authors royalties they are keeping everything. I also doubt that any mod on the creation club will get this many downloads because its not free. AGAIN THIS IS SPECULATION (so please don't go super keyboard happy and freak out this was just a speculative scenario I am going off of a best guess and the current data that is present at the time).


Ok, so I'll choose another popular mod that is not required by other mods (because I can hear someone yelling saying that Awkcr is required by several other very popular mods). Sim Settlements (If you have played it then you know that it is very good and honestly pretty essential in settlement building) So a little over 154,000 Unique Downloads. Again I choose 5$ because its not a super high amount and honestly it would be charged for alot more. So that equates to 750,000 dollars. Again speculative and just something to chew on and think about.

Edited by bluesunmerc
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fishing mingame, armors, swords and bleak, uninspired followers without any trace of a character.

Also, those bs mods you're suggesting won't get past the "email deleted" part.
Uh... Except that kind of stuff is exactly what they showed at E3, minus the followers and the fishing minigame... Did you miss that?
It was high quality works, not "my first model and texture made from cardboard and crayons :)". Very typical micro dlc.


EA looks like saints now.


Regarding comments about Bethesda sending C&Ds to modders making similar works, I highly doubt that will ever happen, they'd have to shut down free modding entirely


I doubt it to but at the same time I don't. Obviously not anytime soon but changes like this are done over time. It goes fine for the first year or two and the next thing you know really popular free mods are taken down and then free mods are dead. Again I doubt it but there will always be that doubt in the back of my mind that says we may be watching the death of free mods.


If this is done right and tactfully it could expose us to some new content we could have never anticipated and of a higher quality than we would have if it was made as a free mod. I try to be open minded but I do believe that it is reasonable to be scared of what is to come because it is too many unknowns. Personally I probably wont buy anything because I'm broke and until I hear/see proof that they are giving the mod authors a good chunk of change because lets be real these mods will be up forever (reasonably speaking of course) and Bethesda stands to make millions of dollars from a single mod. A payment of a few hundred dollars to mod authors is pretty low considering how much money the will make. Obviously IT will have a super slow adoption rate because of peoples speculation, and people out of protest, but it will pick up speed at some point (unless it utterly crashes and burns which is not out of the real of possibilities).


Math time. Awkcr has a little over 918000 unique downloads. If this mod was made on the creation club and lets say they charge 5 dollars for this mod (I have a feeling this is a super low number but in this case better to shoot low than to shoot high). That equates to 4,590,000 dollars. Also this is Bethesda's in house system so unless they are giving mod authors royalties they are keeping everything. I also doubt that any mod on the creation club will get this many downloads because its not free. AGAIN THIS IS SPECULATION (so please don't go super keyboard happy and freak out this was just a speculative scenario I am going off of a best guess and the current data that is present at the time).




You forgot to factor in piracy.

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required by law to pursue profits over all else.

I'm pretty sure that's not true.



Putting ethical rules, the environment or harming their employees aside this is pretty much the model here in the US. Shareholders above all.

Edited by MrJoseCuervo
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