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Creation Club Summer 2017


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Nothing riles up some folks like thinking that something they're "entitled" to have for free might end up with a price tag. Movies, music, mods (basically anything starting with M)....


Personally I doubt if I'll buy anything from the CC, but console gamers (especially PS4 given the issues there) might be all over them.

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Traitors and greedy backstabbers deserve no quarter or respect.


Lol... reeeeally? Traitors? You sure are full of the idea that your view is the only view, and that other modders owe "loyalty" to your cause.

I hadn't planned on applying, but now I think I will, just to give the finger to anyone who thinks they can demand my loyalty to anything or anyone here. (Not that I'll get accepted, but still....)




Loyalty? No. But I figured you should at least consider yourself part of a community instead of being eager to sell it out for a few Bethesda bucks.


Modding has always been a grass roots community effort. Having a company waltz in and attempt to monetize it is not only offensive but completely unnecessary. And spare me the excuse it will make mods better. They can't even release a finished working game. The only modders I support them driving out of modding are the developers of the Unofficial Patches. Do it by releasing a finished quality product. Do that and you may have ground to stand on that you want to help make mods better.

Edited by MrJoseCuervo
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Nice straw man. I never said anything about CC making mods better. I actually suspect not much will change unless you're playing on a console.

And it's a community, not a cult. Differing opinions are allowed without those who disagree being traitors or backstabbers.

Although since you think modding is easy and just like playing with Legos, you should be able to whip up something new and original in no time that would amaze everyone and give credibility to your bluster, right?

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1. I wish modding was easy then I'd be doing it and not wishing I could.


2. I see modders getting paid as a good thing.


3. I don't trust Bethesda Softworks and Pete Hines has been put in a really bad place as the face of the publisher.


4. Bethesda Softworks has already lied to the community as far as what this program is. It is either paid mods (insert another civil war here) or it is DLC I don't see an option for it to be anything else.


5. I'm not sure if BGS had any say in what is going on with this other than a requirement to add it.


6. Until I know more about the deal that modders are getting I am going to hold back on my decision on whether it is a bad thing or not (but I'm guessing it is).

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My point is the CC is one of 2 things.



1. its paid mods. A microtransaction hub that beth/zeni is trying to use to milk the consumer out of every possible cent and we can prepare for 5.99 house mods.




2. its large content packs bethesda is producing with the help of a few talented mod authors from the community (the most preferable outcome I think) which would basically make it DLC. Although this is the best outcome for some people its still pretty rage inducing tbh. Especially since beth marketed the FO4 season pass as giving buyers access to all future DLC content produced for fallout 4 (i cant remember if skyrim had anything similar but I dont think so). This video is just so obviously pete trying to vaguely not describe what the CC is because no matter how you slice it, paid mods or more dlc, beth looks like a terrible collection of individuals trying to swindle the people that purchase their games. Either the consumer as a whole with a microtransaction hub for a full price single player rpg or season pass owners by producing more DLC and charging them money. Even though they were sold the season pass on the premise that they wouldn't have to buy any more DLC they would get access to it all.


Watching that interview was weird. I felt a combination of sorry for pete hines but also feeling like I needed a shower.


HAHA that last part gave me a good chuckle. Obviously they were vague because they knew the backlash was going to be bad and in this case (for them) the less is said the easier it is to reassure people it will be fine later.


Its kind of like Xbox when they announced the One and started talking about always online drm and no game sharing and all that. Ultimately they changed all of that and dropped it but by then a lot of people had made up their minds. The same can be said for Bethesda in this case. Bethesda knows if they don't handle this situation carefully they could lose more than they gain. I would take a guess and say that we wont know what CC will be like until it drops. Since it is supposed to come out this summer it could be out any day now or a few months from now. I wouldn't be surprised if they kept quite about it until it launched just so they don't have to worry about any more damage control, or they are simply waiting for E3 to be over with and wait for all the angry people to calm down about it.


I will say, Bethesda may be greedy but I don't think they are completely brain dead (if they were paid mods would have stayed the first go around).


honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they just quietly pull the plug on it. They are desperately trying to spin that the CC is "not paid mods lol haha" and they fell flat on their face doing it. Now that basically everyone knows its just paid mods I don't think there's any real way for them to move forward with it without huge community backlash and if thats the case then RIP the sales for all the VR s#*! they've been working on as well as wolfenstien and TEW 2. They couldn't possibly be dumb enough to release the CC before they put their biggest titles for the year on sale could they? maybe they could be.

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Nice straw man. I never said anything about CC making mods better. I actually suspect not much will change unless you're playing on a console.

And it's a community, not a cult. Differing opinions are allowed without those who disagree being traitors or backstabbers.

Although since you think modding is easy and just like playing with Legos, you should be able to whip up something new and original in no time that would amaze everyone and give credibility to your bluster, right?


Once you see the inner workings of how the game is built you kind of loose the ability to be amazed by much of anything to be honest. It's not that hard. really. The hardest part is working with the Cr@p tools Bethesda gave us and the ancient limited engine they use. Another thing that makes it easy is the community you seem to want to destroy. There are many tutorials and guides out there for every aspect of modding Beth Games. But maybe that's why some greedy modders want to destroy the community? They want to elevate their elitism.


People wanting to portray themselves to be more than what they are is very common, also very prevalent with some modders it seems.

Edited by MrJoseCuervo
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Well then name your mods. By someone, who talks like you, you should have no problem to list your mods. Besides I would like to know which game has better editing tools as a bethesda game? (tools with the same complexity!)


And finally I would like to know the hidden corners of the internet there I can find answers to specific questions about f4 modding.


After my experience, the sad truth is, that some things are not explained. The most tutorial sites/youtubers etc. seem just to copy&paste the topics of other channels and so we ended up with feeled 3k tutorials about how to make a settlement, but not 1 on how to make a follower like the vanilla followers as example (not that I would need this specific tutorial now, that would have been helpful for 3+ months but let us take this just as an example).

Edited by taryl80
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As far as the Creation Kits are concerned modding is fairly easy (when it works right) but there are other things that are required to make certain kinds of mods. I started using Blender in 2011 and it was two years before I became comfortable with it, and even now there are things I don't completely understand. As far as texturing I can do the basics. I know how to make a texture map and align things so they fit properly on the mesh, but I don't have the skill to make the beautiful textures that a lot of people here make. I also know how to make normals (with trial and error), but the msn textures that Skyrim uses are completely foreign to me. Scripting also took me a long time to get familiar with, but even now I regularly have to look at tutorials. Modding can be easy depending on what you want to do, but there are some things that are incredibly difficult for someone that's never done them before.

Edited by Kalell
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As Is said on the Skyrim forums, 'I want the modders to make money and I will be using this service if they have the correct content on I'm not buying a single sword mod when there is tons I can get for free, DLC sized mods and Overhauls like Enderal, I will gladly pay for.' Probably should add FROST and Fallout A Tale of Two Wastelands on that as well.

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