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Screenshots does not work


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F12 for screenshots does not take any pics. No other F(xx) takes screenshots. No pics taken, no audible cues, no visual tagged little windows, no pics in "Screenshots" in Steam .

Checked Steam settings, yes, F12 is supposed to be screenshots. Reset. No help.


I have an ENB: Antique Dragons, by ZwabberDieBo. No guidance there. Boris Vorotzof 's default settings say that screenshots are "Shift/Print Screen." NOT TRUE. DOES NOT WORK.


Can anyone else help?



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I believe I had, but tried it again. No luck.


I should say that I reloaded the game recently, after not being able to fast-travel, and the rest of the game is running nicely. Most of the time. As well as Skyrim ever gets.



Edited by rick0307
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