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Area Cell CTD


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Ok cant post to Bugthesda
Hi All
Ok so after months I finally came back in hopes that some how by magic or in hopes that Codsworth had done something there would be no CTD or fast travel bugs but seems I was wrong.
At first i could not walk past the Red Rocket or even Concord, Red Rocket was CTD at the green car and tire. So did the the old coc but 2 sec out of loading screen CTD. So i went on the interwebs and searched and searched only to find no solution.

I have done the following...
Cache verify
Disabled all mods.... not unchecked but uninstall option
Deleted entire Data folder to get rid off any texture mods with no esp
Deleted the various folders and then did a reinstall
No mods yet able to walk to RR and Concord yippie
Slowly started adding mods... Still able to go to RR and Concord
Added all my mods and still going well.... Rescue Preston now and build in Sanctuary...
Go to Tenpines Bluff.. CTD at Corvega Assembly plant.. Coc same .... Coc into interior is fine
Leave Corvega no CTD try fast travel to Bluff ctd.... Coc and its fine
Do a quick build in Tenpines
Walk towards The Quarry and CTD... coc CTD....
Try by passing quarry and fine till i swim from the junk yard (roughly where the mirlurks are CTD
Miss Mirelurks and swim from the jetty where the dog is land on the shore of Sancuary annnnnnddddd CTD.

My specs are
MSI AERO gtx 1050 4gb

Dont know how to hide this but here is my current mod list


Armorsmith Extended.esp=1
No Recoil V 0.3.esp=1
Clean Water - Tropical.esp=1
LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp=1
Gorgeous VaultGirl.esp=1
Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp=1
Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp=1
Scrap Everything - Core.esp=1
Scrap Everything - Far Harbor.esp=0
Scrap Everything - Nuka World.esp=0
Brahmin Watertrough.esp=1
CWSS Redux.esp=1
extendedLightsWS - No shadows.esp=1
Power Conduits and Pylons - Increased Radius x3.esp=1
modern firearms.esp=1
awesome mix 2.esp=1
Sanctuary Hills Restored Lite.esp=1
Idiot s!@£.esp=1

Not running any thing like Vivid or anything that changes world cells like Seasons or Green Commonwealth

Any advice or help would make you my hero

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Hello Daeron187,


This isn't usually the type of post I would normally reply to since I'm unqualified to troubleshoot issues...

This might seem obvious but have you properly edited your Fallout4.ini or Fallout4Custom.ini to include these lines:




If you haven't you can download a copy of the Fallout4Custom.ini here

I've included some simple instructions inside the download folder, it may help you. Other than that, using F04Edit to verify that you don't have any major conflicts in your load order is about all the help I can offer. But I'm certain someone here with more knowledge will see this thread and help you anyway.

PS: Spoiler tags is what you need to hide to your load order. [spoiler your text here /spoiler] (Close the brackets on the [spoiler -- /spoiler] parts, I can't post it without it turning into a spoiler.)


EDIT: Neither Vivid, Fallout 4 Seasons or Green Commonwealth edit cell data, editing the weather has no affect on cell data and the others are texture and mesh mods and so they do not edit cell or world data, for mods like these the author will generally make a note in description page if a cell or world data is touched.


Edit#2: You have Scrap Everything placed in the middle of your load order...the Author makes it clear that SE must be placed last in your load order, if I were you I'd grab a program like LOOT to help you or do some more research on the mods you use and where they should be placed in your load order, and in your case FO4Edit is going to be your friend.

Edited by Glass1411
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Hi Glass1411

Just for incase i went and checked my .ini and yip they edited, To give you some background this has been happening to me since the very first update, I actually rage quit when update 2 came and it made things worse. Left the game till all dlc ect were done and released came back say 3 weeks ago and was kinda alright but the ctd got worse.

The first time round mods that did cell edits made me ctd quite fast examples being FAR LOD and almost any make the world green and sadly even Vivid, still love Vivid in my Skyrim.


Also have been using LOOT to sort load order but at times it actually seems to screw with me and i have to manually change the order again like putting scrap everything and place anywhere randomly instead of at the bottom of load order


Thanks will check the custom file you linked and see whats up

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Honestly if you have the edits in your Fallout4.ini then the Custom.ini isn't going to help you. And ya I agree about LOOT that's why I didn't mention it immediately. Well man all I can say is "Good Luck" because if this were happening to me I'd be in the same boat as you are now. I know just enough to be dangerous but not enough to really help.

EDIT: A mod conflict would be my personal go to for this problem, since you say it runs ok before you add your mods.


EDIT#2: In F04Edit when you load the program a box will appear, right click on and select "Select All" after it loads right click again and choose "Apply Filter to show Conflict Loosers" from there's it's work but maybe that will give you a good idea of the problem. Of course it could be as simple as a dirty mod so if your using an older mod or a less downloaded mod with few or no comments stating others experiences you may want to see if cleaning them will help.

(I'm in no way implying that older, new or less downloaded mods are bad, my mods will never reach the Top 10 either, I'm just saying people have learned a lot about cleaning their mods since F04 was first released.)


Edit#3: I see you are using:

Scrap Everything - Core.esp=1
Scrap Everything - Far Harbor.esp=0
Scrap Everything - Nuka World.esp=0

But I don't see FarHarbor.esm or NukaWorld.esm in your load order, maybe you just didn't copy them in to the post, or maybe you should look into an different version of SE.


The other files I would personally look at is WaterAnywhere.esp=1, SancResPrecullData.esp=0 and sanctuarybridgefixerz.esp=0

I say this just because I personally have never seen those mods or heard of them but I know from my work on Fog Remover - Performance Enhancer that a single bad texture or mesh file can cause CTD issues as well. (Again I'm shooting in the dark here so take my advice with a grain of salt, I'm just pitching ideas at this point. And on that front, here's my last suggestion, now that your mods installed, you might want to disable them and then re-enable them 1 at a time and see if you can narrow it down that way, and or temporarily rename or move your Textures and Meshed folders and then load the game, yes some things should will look weird but not having a texture or mesh file is far less likely to cause a CTD whereas a bad one will.)


Last last thing- I would ask a Moderator to move this thread to Fallout 4 Technical Support

I would imagine you'll get more replies from better qualified people than myself there.


I don't envy the position you're in at all. Good Luck to you.

Edited by Glass1411
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The zero values indicate that they are unchecked mods, Scrap everything installer loads the esp but does not add them and 2 others are off Bugthesda.net so even deleted out of data ect they still pop up in nmm for some reason. Going to try the F04edit route never really wanted to try it as that is really dangerous with me lol.


Also everything was working great till that first Minuteman quest and Corvega Plant then it all went to crap from there on, pretty much any area that is related to a possible Minuteman quest or Settlement bang CTD.

But here is hoping FO4edit does the thing

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Putting my money on precalc being your problem because you use Scrap Everything. I believe that SancResPrecullPatch I actually made lol.


Get rid of Scrap Everything, or put it at the very very end of load order, game is not designed for it and I wouldnt recommend it with your hardware. Move Sanctuary restored mod to bottom of order. I didn't make the Precull patch to be used with the lite version, only the full. Remove it. Put Sanc bridge fix after SanctuaryRestoredLite.


Let me know how that goes.

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SMB92 ok all the 0 value esp are deleted and gone and this is what the very end of load order looks like

Sanctuary Hills Restored.esp=1
Scrap Everything - Core.esp=1
Deleted the lite version, also FO4edit throws out a few red things which include armorsmith, how do i clean that up?
Thanks for the assistance will try to run and see if i ctd again
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Nope ctd when moving from Tenpines bluff to the quarry,

Could this be an FPS thing as i capped my fps at 100 due to getting some crazy fps example being on loading screen 1k fps in lockpick 250 fps and at times 580 in the world?

This is really weird as when im in sanctuary no problems, i can coc to any interior but places like RR, Corvega Assembly plant Combat Zone, Gwinnet brewery ctd 2 seconds after loading screen so its not local its spread out and i can move freely in most places with no ctd.

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Putting my money on precalc being your problem because you use Scrap Everything. I believe that SancResPrecullPatch I actually made lol.


Get rid of Scrap Everything, or put it at the very very end of load order, game is not designed for it and I wouldnt recommend it with your hardware. Move Sanctuary restored mod to bottom of order. I didn't make the Precull patch to be used with the lite version, only the full. Remove it. Put Sanc bridge fix after SanctuaryRestoredLite.


Let me know how that goes.


Sorry SMB I didn't know you made that or I would have just pm'd you and you to look at this thread in the first place! But I chose my words carefully so as not offend anyone.

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@Glass1411 - No problem at all.


@Dareon187 - Try without Scrap Everything and see how that goes. Also can you list your PC specs?

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