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Tigershark's S.T.E.P. Installation Issues


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Perhaps I'll post this on Reddit if I'm told it makes more sense there (I usually don't touch Reddit) but I'll try here first.


After years of playing modded Skyrim, I always at some point have gotten stuck into crashes. Spend 50 hours working on it; runs again; then at some point I'm back to the crashes. I know it'll never go away completely, but I've found a guide most of you are probably familiar with called S.T.E.P. that I'm hoping will get my game running again.


The problem is, is that I seem to miss things, or second-guess, or am apparently dumb when following any guide, and somehow mess up.


I intend to use this thread as a place for me to post the issues I've run into (I guarantee there will be more than one). Alternatively, I could make a new thread every time I have an issue, but I figure this method is less intrusive.


The first issue I've come across, has to do with my cleaned ESMs being suddenly batched together in Mod Organizer, without my doing anything to them (to my knowledge). When first cleaning Update, Dawnguard (twice), Hearthfire, and Dragonborn, they showed up as separate mods in the mod list, but now only Dawnguard shows, with an arrow for a drop-down menu, that shows the aforementioned mods, and SKSE grouped together (still with separate priority numbers). Running LOOT still shows that the ESMs are in the load order, as well as they're there in the plugin order, but if I wanted to move SKSE in my load order, it is now stuck at priority 9.


Is this something Mod Organizer did automatically to try and clean the mods section, or is this something that I somehow accidentally did? Sometime prior to this happening (2-15 minutes), I ran FNIS, and I believe it placed things in the "Overwrite" section, but I'm not sure what that would have to do with this.


Here's a screenshot for clarity:




The 1! error does not have to do with this, and just that some mods require SkyUI, which I've yet to install.


Thanks for any help/information that can be provided!

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Encountered a new issue.


I'm nearing completion of my mod list (still need ELFX and will look into an ENB preset), and I just successfully installed the STEP Compilation Installer - High Res - 2.10 into my mod list, choosing the Extended Patch. I ran LOOT (had been doing throughout installations) and came up with no dirty edits (already cleaned necessary files) and no warnings, but one error - Even Better Quest Objectives requires the aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp to be installed, but on the AMidianBorn Book of Silence STEP wiki page, it says at the very bottom (Final step) "Depending on where you installed the mod, ie. the name of the mod that you used, right click the aMidianBorn Book of Silence or aMidianBorn Book of Silence WEAPONS mod and click [information...]. Click the Optional ESPs tab and move aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp from the lower pane to the upper pane."


I believe that infers I'm deactivating it, according to the description upon hovering over the esp when at that screen (Information, upon right-clicking a mod). I haven't tried running Skyrim, but I assume the error would cause a CTD. I did also notice that Even Better Quest Objectives has an available ESP (by default active) called BetterQuestObjectives-AMBSkyforgePatch.esp which could be related. Perhaps moving that plugin to the upper pane as well would fix the error/dependency?


I assumed the aMidianBorn - Book of Silence Content Add-on covered this somehow, and on the official AMB Content Add-On page https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?showtopic=2678959, it mentions to disable the aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp (as well as two other esps I don't seem to have) and that "a separate patch for this mod is not needed, but you must load the Content Addon file AFTER Better Quest Objectives."

which I have done (set as a metadata rule in LOOT).


It should be noted I have not used Wrye Bash yet, in case that is applicable. Thanks for any help!

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