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smoke stack factory petrol head


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please excuse me if in wrong area,,, been a while since i posted to a forum of some kind so this topic may be in wrong area(myengwish gud but lazy)



as per topic heading,

a smoke stack chimney factory



whats wrong with the world?

no clouds bellowing out smoke, a factory burning fossil fuels and all that,

creating, burning,eating or other..


the game does not have a cloud system or weather system,, sure you ca change some weather aspects,,but you cant just zoom in sniper mode over the horizon and see where a new raider camp has settled in and started mass producing stuff,,or getting up to some butchery of people.


i just thought it would be great to scan the horizon and see chimneys, and smoke stacks clogging up the atmosphere.



second idea

petrol based engines,

you often see electric stuff,, engines and motors,,, but what about the noisy ones,, the dirty petrol ones,,,

sure we dont have cars(yet),,, but it would be great having a new economic work around based on petrol,,

moving the game back towards a mad max feel...


having raider kings mass stock piles of gass,, and others looting for a drop here and there,, where fuel is a expensive commodity.

would mean that this idea is a complete rework of the whole system


please let me know what you think about these two ideas,,,

and please excuse me if its in the wrong forum.

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