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Can map markers be scripted to move?


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I was thinking about how vertibirds in Fallout 4 acted in the world. So far there is no way to script a vertibird to fly, the engine can't support it etc etc.


Vertibirds fly to map markers and can change direction and altitude when another map marker is selected mid flight.

Can there be a way to have a movable map marker? You're not controlling the vertibird, you're moving the marker along the X,Y Z But there would have to be a way to keep the marker a set distance away from the vertibird so it won't imitate it's landing sequence.


Can something like that be done?

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That is a very interesting idea. Have a script going hard moving a marker around based on a loop monitoring the players input controls. Would suck on a keyboard but might be ok on a gamepad joystick.


Sadly I don't think its doable or at least well enough to fly yourself, I remember reading something about it on afkmods (unofficial patch teams site) regarding moving objects (had something to do with persistence). I also suspect the controls would be super unreliable with such a loop anyway, but I'm not experienced enough to say how fast papyrus would be here.


Good thinking but 99, would like to see a detailed answer myself!

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I might hold to the initial thought that it may be easier just to control the Vertibird directly.

Ala the motorcycle mod or something I/we've done.


Only thing really stopping us (for the basics, at least) is the lack of pitch control (when zooming out from the initial 1st person view, which has pitch control).

...was it pitch or yaw...the up down movement?

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Pitch Yaw and Roll


Pitch is up and down, yaw is left and right (like how a door swings on a hinge), and roll is how the aircraft rotates or tilts to the left or right, or does a aileron roll.


Perhaps a team can study the XRE mod for Fallout New Vegas. Yes I know it's Fallout New Vegas and you CAN'T use those scripts. I say study it to see how it was done and then do a similar but unique method for Fallout 4.


The vertibirds from what I can tell do have pitch yaw and roll. The XRE mod only had pitch and yaw.


And you're right it could be easier to manually control the bird. I just wish I knew how to script and code. I'd really know the answer for sure.

Edited by Skyviper086
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From what I've been learning (very rapidly) over the past few days, there's a heck of a lot of new functionality in Papyrus.
way more than was in previous Fallout games.

Anything (and I really do mean anything) that could be attempted with previous games, can be done far more easily with Fallout 4.

The most relevant change is that the physics engine is more exposed, so scripts can hurl objects around, grab nearby things and move them, all sorts.
so with a bit of work, you could potentially make the vertibird fly much more realistically.

At the most simple level, there's functions like TranslateToRef which moves object A to the location of Object B.
linear interpolation, to use the correct terminology.
There's also rotational versions, so you could make a vertibird move to match angles and positions as you chose.
Say for example, the angle of the user's aim, and the position about 100ft in front of the aircraft.

Not to say it won't be a lot of work, but anything is possible now.

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