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How Do I Begin Moddeling Armor?


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Forgive me if I've overlooked a preexisting tutorial or post, perhaps I'm not sure exactly what to search for. Here's what I want...


  • I'd like to try creating some custom armor (create new model from existing source material?).
  • I'd like to start with something from the stock set (Leather or Hide, etc) and modify that.
  • I'd like to create it for the CBBE replacer.


Where do I go from here? In other words...

  2. What modeling program do I need or should I use to modify the stock stuff for the CBBE stuff for the new models, etc?
  3. How do I test it?
  4. How do I get it in game?
  5. What do I use instead of the CK (the latter will not open properly for me)?
  6. Is there anything else I need to know?


I have *some* knowledge of MODIFYING mods from Oblivion, but it's very basic knowledge. I also have an excellent grasp of how this stuff works and I'm a fast study, but this would certainly be my first foray into modeling (although I'm a 2D artist) and modding.


If anyone can point me to the knowledge I seek: explanations, how-tos, tutorials, that'd be awesome! Right now I just don't know where to begin.

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Well to get an idea 'bout the process you can check out my tutorial (in my signature).

Of course it's 'bout a weapon but it is the comeple process starting with nothing, including all needed programs and download links in the video description.


Differene to armor modeling:

When you create armor you export a human body from the game first and form your new armor along/on it. You can extract original armor parts as well and add/edit them. The texture process is quite the same, after that you have to add a skeleton to the armor so it stays in place when moving ingame.


Afaik adding a skeleton only works with Blender or 3D Max atm - they use a NIF import plugin (nif is the file format for game meshes like armor and weapons). You have to save the armor in 2 sizes...one for a small body and one for a fat - everything between will be generated from the game. Then you have to use NifSkope to edit those 2 files and save them as NIF to get it into the game.


A proper test can only be done ingame atm.


If you want it to be a standalone armor you've got to use the creation kit, you can use SkyEdit as well. Without those programs you can only create a replacer for an existing armor.


Check out those videos to get an idea:


I would recommend to get 3D software (Blender is for free but don't ask me any questions 'bout it, i use Cinema 4D) and train the basics first before talking 'bout creating armor.



Edited by ghosu
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Here, go and read this tutorial first:



It more or less complete guide, some additional 3ds max modeling tutorials would be good to read up on. If you like "realistic" armour making ie not the completely outrageous type then I'd welcome some help with my projects, I could help you with workflow know how along the way. I started way back in morrowind from a completely 2d background and got my first rudimentary model ingame in a couple of days, uvmapped and textured an all, so it is not that difficult!


I could even set you up with some basic models if you'd like that. The tutorial I linked to covers most of the steps you were asking about.


Anyways, here is my mod thread:


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Thanks guys. I'm going to marinate on both your suggestion. Sounds like an excellent place to start.


@centurion101, yeah I'm basically looking to mess around with non-overpowered armor that should be moreorless lore friendly. I currently have my eyes set on some revealing ideas for the CBBE body, as -- even among so many really high quality armors out there -- they don't quite fit my tastes. So the armor might not be totally realistic in terms of protection, but even with that in mind it should be fairly sensible. Plus like the possibility of sharing my creations.

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  On 2/19/2012 at 4:17 PM, centurion101 said:

Here, go and read this tutorial first:



It more or less complete guide, some additional 3ds max modeling tutorials would be good to read up on. If you like "realistic" armour making ie not the completely outrageous type then I'd welcome some help with my projects, I could help you with workflow know how along the way. I started way back in morrowind from a completely 2d background and got my first rudimentary model ingame in a couple of days, uvmapped and textured an all, so it is not that difficult!


I could even set you up with some basic models if you'd like that. The tutorial I linked to covers most of the steps you were asking about.


Anyways, here is my mod thread:



I started going through the tutorial and was doing fine until, "Import or create your own model you wish to add. Position it where it would be on the armour." and then "Unwrap and texture the model."


And from there I'm just sort of scratching my head. I tried importing a random armor (hide/f/cuirasslight_0.nif) and tried my luck from there, but for the life of me couldn't figure out what the "Unwrap and texture the model" was supposed to be about. Almost sounded like they were saying something akin to, "after you've downloaded the schematic for a Dodge 2012 Charger, now completely deconstruct it and build your own car."


Wait, what? O.o

Edited by toastysquirrel
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Imagine you want to recolor a cow. Of course you could draw directly on it but it is hard to draw a straight line on its surface and it moves as well. So you skin the damn cow and drop the skin on the floor...now you've got a flat surface, much easier to edit. That is the process of unwrapping, afterwards you put the skin back on the cow in some weird "Silence of the Lambs" manner...check out youtube for various tutorials. Edited by ghosu
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Yep. Search 3ds max for Uv-mapping tutorials. Are plenty around. Even better might be to search for a character modeling tutorial which goes over the process from scratch. Do it first, then apply the tutorial I posted and it should be rather clear what to do. It's a bit of a learning curve, but it is not impossible or even really difficult, and can even be fun :teehee:
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So I found a couple tutorials that seem like a good place to start. But the catch finding a tutorial for WHAT I want to model with a SPECIFIC program. There's a great tutorial on creating a new weapon, but it's for Cinema 4D. There's a (potentially) great tutorial on creating a new armor, but it's for Blender. Then of course there's the one referenced by Ghosu, but it's for 3DS Max 2012.


Are the various programs similar enough? Cinema 4D looks cool enough to get the demo and start to learn it but so far I haven't found an armor creation tutorial for it. Blargh! :) Which do I choose? O.o

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My opinion:


Blender - medium to handle,supports NIF files

Max - medium to handle, supports NIF files

C4D - easy to handle but doesn't support NIF files


... and you need NIF support for armors, bodies and such stuff since those things stick to the model skeleton using bones. I create my stuff with C4D and merge it to a NIF using Max...if you want a program ONLY for Skyrim i would recommend Max, if you use it for other stuff as well then i would pick C4D - just my personal opinion of course, everyone will recommend his own baby :biggrin:

Edited by ghosu
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  On 2/20/2012 at 7:35 PM, ghosu said:

My opinion:


Blender - medium to handle,supports NIF files

Max - medium to handle, supports NIF files

C4D - easy to handle but doesn't support NIF files


... and you need NIF support for armors, bodies and such stuff since those things stick to the model skeleton using bones. I create my stuff with C4D and merge it to a NIF using Max...if you want a program ONLY for Skyrim i would recommend Max, if you use it for other stuff as well then i would pick C4D - just my personal opinion of course, everyone will recommend his own baby :biggrin:

How simple/challenging is it to use Max to merge the models with a NIF? I'd like to expand beyond just Skyrim, though this feels like a fun medium to start with, so I'd probably go with C4D if the Max NIF merging is simple enough for a beginner.

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