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Removable Torch problem!?


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When i try (as advised) to copy over the removable torch (scone etc.) from the "WarehousePreFabs" Cell they won't work in my own created dungeon? They work fine in every other interior but not in my own creations?


What could be the problem? All of the links is just as the original. I have not changed a thing! Pls Help:(


Thanks in advance.

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Sometimes when you place torch scones it takes quite some time before they "spawn". So try to leave the dungeon for some time, then go back. :pirate:


But even when i'm carrying a torch in my inventory i can't place it.:(

But i'll try to wait a bit.


When you place a scone, a torch should spawn in the scone when you start up the game. But at times it's slow, and the cell needs to reset to acknowledge the changes made, or something..

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