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Enchanted ammo.... should I make this?


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I recently made a small mod for myself that gave me some more powerful exploding dwarven bolts. I also added a Vampires bane bolt.


This was kinda tedious, bUT I like the results and wondered how a full mod would be recieved by everyone.


What I did is made new enchantment, explosion, projectile, and bolt for each category of fire, frost, shock, and vampires bane. Then I made new recipes with similar requirements so you don't see them until you've unlocked the vanilla recipes.


This was just for 4 bolts, but the method can be applied to EVERY spell in the game for EVERY ammo type.


So is it worth the effort to make a full version of this mod for the nexus?

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I wonder if there is a mod like this out there. The ones I've seen in searches mostly have new arrow models and stuff.
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Enchanted ammo, I kinda had a cool idea like this just I kinda based it off the fatboy from fallout 4 bun instead of mini nukes it was able to fully release power of a soul gem in a single foucused shot so damage would be based on quality of soul gem loaded into and of Couse it would be a dwemer desighn. May called something like the hearts desire or something deep like that sense common your shooting souls. Free idea anyone with talent is welcome to give it a go
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The way I make the recipe is it requires higher soul gems for more powerful spells.


Like if u wanted a fireball arrow with triple dmg, it would require 3 common soul gems, instead of 1 for regular dmg.

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Been considering something similar, but replicating the exploding arrows DLC from Morrowind more in the sense of 3 tiered levels of exploding bolt (i.e. Cruel, Dire and Dread, with Cruel corresponding to the base exploding bolt/arrow, Dire doubling the damage and Dread lengthening the effect five times), along with added additional effects such as poison, ash paralysis and so forth. Would be linked to both alchemy and smithing levels to prevent the easy abuse of these. Still in the planning stages as I haven't had much time to sit down and tinker with the Creation Kit as of late.

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