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Standalone follower is all screwed up


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I have no idea how my standalone follower got so screwed up. I've made followers several times before, but this has never happened. I feel like it's an issue with Ethereal Elven Overhaul, but there's just so much going on that it's a little overwhelming.


Here's what she's supposed to look like:





And here's what she looks like ingame:




The grey face bug is actually the only thing that's NOT a problem here. Her face is actually, as far as I can tell, the correct color. However, her body is not. It looks like the hair and eye meshes are screwed up and the tint mask for her lips is missing. However, I've checked all the paths for the meshes in NifSkope and all the textures are pointing to the right place. I copied the facegen data directly from my RaceMenu head export. I made sure the skintone was set correctly in Creation Kit. Yet, this.


Interestingly, when I enable Eyes of Beauty and KS Hairdos (the eyes and hair I used respectively) those errors go away. Fine for my uses, but not if I want her to actually be standalone. Can someone explain what is happening here?

Edited by killthenords
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If anyone comes across this topic with the same problem:


The issue was that after using NifMerge to merge the exported .nif from RaceMenu and the facegen .nif, the facegen nif didn't have any of the correct texture paths for some dumb reason. Check the facegen nif and make sure it's pointing to the right textures.

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