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Best way to farm gold?


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Like people have been saying. Alchemy and Enchanting are the way to go. I usually smith some jewelry, enchant it, make some potions, and then travel all across Skyrim selling my wares to all the merchant folk. Also, there's a mod which increases bounty values/rewards that seems much more reasonable then in vanilla.
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Try pickpocketing!


I actually build a character based on pickpocket. You can level that skill incredibly fast if you do it carefully (or abuse quicksaves). Being a thane helps immensely when stealing and getting caught. :D

Most NPCs have either gold or jewelry and that stuff adds up. Also, you can pay skill trainers and immediately steal the cash back.


Works beast with a steahlth character, because they have more points to spare than e.g. tanks.

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Like people have been saying. Alchemy and Enchanting are the way to go. I usually smith some jewelry, enchant it, make some potions, and then travel all across Skyrim selling my wares to all the merchant folk. Also, there's a mod which increases bounty values/rewards that seems much more reasonable then in vanilla.



Does anyone know the name of the higher bounty mod?

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I went around selling some potions I made; potions I made to level up my alchemy skill. I'm up to level 90 in alchemy, and I was only at about a few thousand gold, and I went selling the potions and poisons. Soon I was up to around 59,000 gold. Alchemy is a great way to make a lot of money.


Whatever way you decide to make money, OP, invest some perks into speechcraft. If you put a perk point into "Merchant" you will be able to sell any kind of item to any kind of merchant (except stolen items). If you invest in investor (put a perk into "investor"), you can offer merchants 500 gold and it will permanently give them more gold to barter with (not all merchants can be invested with, but many can). If you put a perk into "Fence", you can sell stolen goods to any merchant you have invested in.

Edited by Dubnoman
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