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Creation kit camera is a pain lol. How do I make it easier to use the


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You can right click and select render settings and change the camera speed. But other than that you're SOL, these tools typically are not that great, the dev team has to build them and at some point they stop so that they can actually make the game.


Yeah... well if I can just slow down the camera speed that may be helpful lol. I agree the tools aren't that great. I wish the camera movements were as convenient as say the Worldeditor for Warcraft III that I used a while back. Whenever I moved the camera around in the Worldeditor, the camera was very similar to how you would move the camera in a strategy game. By the way, what type of speed should I use? Thanks for helping me on how to make the camera easier to use though. =D

Edited by iceurface18
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  • 1 year later...

It may be easier if you Ctrl + F (snap to object) before holding middle mouse to pan around.

Pressing T (snap to top view) when selected an object also helps.

Also when working in an exterior cell try setting the loaded cells from 5 to 10. Should be under File>Preferences>Misc>Loaded Cells? (not sure what its called but by default it is some box which says 5).

It'll mean that you bee able to see more in your render box, and it might also avoid the awkward lag when you zoom out or move too fast

When i started with CK (also coming from Worldedit) I found the camera a little hard to use. Its really just a matter of getting use to it.

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  • 3 years later...

You can right click and select render settings and change the camera speed. But other than that you're SOL, these tools typically are not that great, the dev team has to build them and at some point they stop so that they can actually make the game.

Mister, you are just great! Thank you a lot, you helped me very much!!! :dance:

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