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Creation kit camera is a pain lol. How do I make it easier to use the


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I found it unusable at first until I found the settings.


Altering the zoom speed really helped for me


The other thing I found really good to remember is to select heaps of stuff that obstructs the view in caves and rooms, like beams and bits of broken ceiling etc and tap 1 twice to make them invisible.


After that you do get used to clicking on the best items to rotate the camera around.

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I know it's kind of late but for anyone looking for a solution:


In the top-left corner click on the "preferences" box, or right click in the render window "render window properties". Under preferences, go to the "Movement" tab in the far left. In the lower right side you can see a check-box with the text "Rotate camera around previous selection". Then adjust the rotation speed and zoom speed to your liking and you're good.

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