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Frost trolls


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This really annoys me.

Like everyone else I have killed frost trolls at 20x the rate of plain trolls.

Yet they never have any troll fat which is pretty stupid seeing as fat helps protect from the cold.


So, can someone make a minor mod to correct this?

Edited by Roxana
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Not one frost troll in 3 chars >40 have I found troll fat ever?






Anyway I lol'd the "hoarding" bit but I just hate not having a good supply of most reagents

and yes, even the rare ones. I go out of my way to get them & that includes being frequently killed

in the process.


But , I can clearly see that I am wasting my time here so seeing as everyone else supposedly

gets "oodles" of them , then FIA, I'll console one everytime I fail to get one(which will be

every time as even in vanilla Skyrim the frostrtolls gave NONE).


As for most of the suggestions that I have read here, I so feel for would be modders : )

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