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Help with breezehome


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Hi there and sorry if my english isn't the best one.
I've Skyrim and skyrim special edition on steam, and I've started a new char some days ago, the thing is that I found a perfect mod to change breezehome that even has a room with the rock things to put your dragon masks, it's so f*#@ing cool, but... the thing is that I've bought the rooms and forniture for the house and the mod get's an invisible wall to that "armory" if you buy any upgrade to the house, so...the question is: ¿Is there any way to reset, sell, restart, anything to the house? Even if I've to use codes?
I mean, I've played with a LOT of chars, have like 400 hours played, but I've just started a new one, with good lvl, all the vampires quest done, the thief guild, starting the darkbrotherhood and s#*!, and...some quest are just sooo anoying and long to do... maybe in a future I'll start a new char, but for now... I don't want to repeat everything just to have a new home.
If anyone know's how to help me, or if there's a mod to sell or restart my house or something like that... ty for helping.

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The best thing to do is to reload an earlier save from before you upgraded Breezehome. Then, you can repurchase the upgrades and see if they work correctly this time around.


You can reset an interior via the ingame console, but it's not 100% guaranteed to work, especially on homes with upgrades. I've had mixed results doing that myself. First, make a new save. Then, toggle god mode by opening the console and typing TGM. Next, gather up all your belongings and leave the house. Now, use the console command ResetInterior WhiterunBreezehome. Go back into the house and see if everything's okay. If not, reload the save you just made and give up. :tongue:

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Found a way! the mod that I was trying to install was: Breezehome by Elianora
It's a PERFECT mod for a house that is the most confortable, I mean...
1- Is on one of the first citys that you visit.
2- Is on the center of the map.
3- You can get out and you've a lot of places to sell, buy, and other things. (not like the parcels on falkreath.)
Found the solution on the posts of the mod itself, a guy called oooii3gg posted it, by the way love you man.

If you want the mod and you upgraded all your breezehome, then...

You've to:

0. Take your items from the home just in case.
1. Disable the mod.
2. Go buy kid's room. Do not return to breezehome yet.
3. type in console:
prid c6e3b
4. Save and exit.
5. Enable the mod and go to your breezehome.
It helped me and other players.
(This fixed my problem and I'm playing in the house with no items missing or weird locationg, that could happen but not happened to me.)
After applying this fix, you may notice that some objects are missing or have a weird location. Keep playing, and eventually they will move to their normal locations.


Edited by AlexNightroad
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