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New to modding (Skyrim)


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I apologize if I'm in the wrong place. If so just let me know where I need to go please. So I am a total noob to Modding. I recently bought an Xbox 360 and Skyrim Legendary edition (sadly I realized later that legendary is the unpatched version with all original bugs) I want to Mod the game for two aspects (1.) Improve graphics and remove(some?) bugs (2.) Add the available Native American mods such as Native American clothing/armor, the native house, And the native American reservation/village. Please and thank you, I'm just a rez kid looking to pimp my game but don't know how to do it or where to get the mods.
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As you're on the 360, you unfortunately can't use mods. You need to have either a PC, an Xbox One, or a PlayStation 4.

If you decide to get a XB1/PS4, you will be able to download mods from Bethesda.net, for both Skyrim Special Edition and Fallout 4. You will not be able to mod Skyrim Legendary.

If you decide on a PC, you will be able to get mods from this website, as well as many others, for many games.

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