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[LE] Merchant inside home mod

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I made a merchant for my home. I wanted to upload it to Nexus.


I know how to make a BSA, but I think the BSA will not pack the actor????


Is this correct?


I'm assuming I will have a BSA separate from texture and meshes for the actor.


So when I pack it, will it look:


File name folder Inside:


texture\actor\faceGendata\FaceTint\filename.esp\ dds, tga




Is this correct?


I understand we don't need a data folder anymore for NMM.




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When you are done you should have one BSA and one ESP. The BSA would have stuff like scripts, textures, meshes. It won't need to pack the merchant, just the meshes and texture (eye color, skin color, and so on). Your merchant might still work without the BSA, however it will have the grey face, and whatever script you packed will not work.

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You can pack the facegen data in the bsa but you don't need the .tga file just the nif and the dds. Or you can just leave everything as looses files and not have a bsa at all. In which case you would have:







in you package

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