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Game Chrashing more often then it should

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Hey remember when I said that I DON"T have a problem with crashing anymore?

Yeah THAT was when I had 10 mods now I have 32 and guess what?

It STILL freezes up and crashes after 30 minutes EVEN though I have done everything I knew and you knew

<sigh> Listen I really appreciate you helping a complete stranger make his game work but at this point it's a lost cause

My game simply refuses to work

Thank you for all your help

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That really suggests you have some bad memory. Removing the "unnecessary" apps allowed the game to load lower, so it didn't encounter the bad memory (again) until you increased your game "footprint" by adding more mods.


See "How to Test Your Computer’s RAM for Problems".



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How many cycles did you test? A single pass through RAM is not enough to determine if there is "weak" memory. I wouldn't accept less than 3, and more (i.e. 7) would be better.


The only suggestions left are either "mod isolation" for some mod conflict or trying Sysinternals "Process Monitor" to see if it gives some clue as to the cause.



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The terminology might vary a bit from tool to tool, but generally they have a setting for how many "test passes" (cycles) they make through all the memory. They often also have a choice of "tests" (e.g. "moving inversions") and "patterns" (e.g. 0xFFFFFFFF), and start/stop range of addresses. (The address of the "read only" BIOS is usually excluded.) If you booted from an external device (CD/DVD/USB) then you should be able to test all the memory range it will accept.


The more physical RAM you have, the longer a "pass/cycle" will take. Three hours for 12GB is pretty quick. If you simply clicked on "test" then you used the default settings which are going to be pretty minimal. The more stressful the tests and patterns, the better. You want the test "flip all the bits" back and forth on every byte each pass.


The third screenshot on this page shows 3 passes scheduled using "Test 3" ("moving inversions") with a pattern of "0xFFFFFFFF". If that is the default and you had no errors, then you are probably good. If not, run it again with at least those settings. (If they have more stressful ones, use them.) Assume it will take at least overnight.


If your problem is not RAM related, then I don't know what else to suggest other than trying the "PassMark BurnInTest" product "free trial" available on the bottom of the MemTest86 download page.



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