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Canonical Elder Scrolls


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There are two novels that I am aware of that take place in The Elder Scrolls universe. They are canon as far as I am aware, and both are quite good. You can also purchase them on Amazon if you want, but I will leave links to Bethesda's official store page for them.


The Infernal City:



The Lord of Souls:



Also, here is a link to other TES related books from Bethesda's shop. You can take a look at the lore books mentioned in this thread already through this link.


Bethesda Store - TES Books:


Edited by DaddyDirection
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There are two novels that I am aware of that take place in The Elder Scrolls universe. They are canon as far as I am aware, and both are quite good. You can also purchase them on Amazon if you want, but I will leave links to Bethesda's official store page for them.


The Infernal City:



The Lord of Souls:



Also, here is a link to other TES related books from Bethesda's shop. You can take a look at the lore books mentioned in this thread already through this link.


Bethesda Store - TES Books:


good to know they are good, i might pick them up. mostly because then Beth will get dollar signs in their eyes and make more.

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There's (almost) no canon, Bethesda doesn't try to establish canon, quite the opposite really. The ingame books contradict one another to build suspension of disbelief and lets the player decide which one is telling the truth.
The most obvious exaple to this is The Arcturian Heresy, which tells us a very different point of view -in contrast to the rest of Skyrim- on how Talos came to be, it was written by the Underking himself. Another very important piece is the 36 lessons of Vivec, which introduce concepts like CHIM and the Godhead.
After you've read those ingame books you'll probably ask yourself if those things are actually true, and the reality is: there's no concrete evidence that proves it, but there's also no evidence debunking it. Its kinda like a Conspiracy theory.

I highly recommend you visit the /teslore subreddit, if you go to the FAQ there you'll be answered a lot of popular questions about The Elder Scrolls (Is Talos really a god? What is C0DA).

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