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Simple quest about Nif files


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So I want to my character to wear this:




Its a custom nif, I mixed the Ebony Greaves from Greaves and Legwraps:




and the Leather Sandals from Leather Sandals:




So i simply replaced the nif file from the ebony greaves with my custom nif, but the problem is that my character wear mage robes, and some nasty clipping happens.




This is because the author of Greaves and Legwraps assigned all his graves to slot 56, and not the feet slot, because he wanted the player to use any shoes alongside his greaves, thats what I tried to do first, I simply tried to use the sandals and the greaves. But that part of the robes near the ankle only shrink when using certain type of boots. For exemple, the normal Ebony Boots:




So I tried to edit his greaves, changing the slot from slot 56 to the feet slot, but the feet turned invisible.

Then I tried to download some armor from the nexus and replace the boot nif with my custom nif, but only the greaves part appeared.


So, what do I do? i want my custom nif to be recognized as a boot so that ugly part of the robe shrink.



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If you change the body slot on a NIF file, you also need to ensure that that slot is selected on both the Armor and Armor Addon records where you are using the NIF. Otherwise, it will be invisible in-game. You can have more than just a single slot on the Armor and Armor Addon records to hide overlapping portions if necessary but the slot used on the NIF must be selected.


No idea if it will solve your clipping, but it would solve the invisible feet that you had at one point.

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