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[LE] Question related to followers

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Just like everybody else in the community i am growing tired of not only making cookie cutter followers, but seeing them being made, using the same process as everybody else, the mod community's creative follower "thunder" is just about gone

My question here is, what do you look for in a follower that isnt custom voiced?

I tend to make average followers with large in game backstories, with houses, loadscreens and music etc, but they arent custom voiced

Do you guys really care about all of that when downloading a follower, or would you prefer a standard, follower in skimpy armor, in the sleeping giant inn with no immersive backstory etc.

Some people claim that the only thing houses do is conflict with the game

This is not true, none of my houses conflict with any other mod (known to me) besides Amber her house changed landscape, so old saves (any save that's been in that area) will have a conflict, as long as you're careful with your hosue placement is it worth it?

Voiced followers

These are all one of a kind, usually, they come with quest and all sorts of things, i am 75% done with making one named harmony (see my profile pic)

Im looking for ideas and/or help with unique global variable stuff (switching combat styles depending on area etc)



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I'm completely tired of hundrets of FemaleEvenToned followers and the ever same dialogue lines. I'm also tired of half naked killing machines and followers that seem to live on another planet but not in Tamriel. So I'm trying to make a mod with my own visions of people that I want to have around in good and bad times, people, that can become real friends and interact with each other. It would be great if all the well developed followers like Vilja, Inigo, Anna NPCs, Arissa, Aurlyn or else could interact with another - for that reason Anna made up to ten fully voiced followers and I try to do it similar. It's lot of time consuming work but I think more fun to be with smart people in Skyrim's wilderness than with brainless puppets..

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I'm completely tired of hundrets of FemaleEvenToned followers and the ever same dialogue lines. I'm also tired of half naked killing machines and followers that seem to live on another planet but not in Tamriel. So I'm trying to make a mod with my own visions of people that I want to have around in good and bad times, people, that can become real friends and interact with each other. It would be great if all the well developed followers like Vilja, Inigo, Anna NPCs, Arissa, Aurlyn or else could interact with another - for that reason Anna made up to ten fully voiced followers and I try to do it similar. It's lot of time consuming work but I think more fun to be with smart people in Skyrim's wilderness than with brainless puppets..


Because end-user demographics, and making a simple female follower has become easier if only for the sake of achieving Hot Files.


I try to add some backstory instead of merely introducing characters into the game without a purpose and a reason of existing.

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