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Looking for Mod Manager 5 testers


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Added RC2. Fixes some bugs, thanks Shadohz.


I am thinking I will ship MM5 with 64-bit tools. If you are a 32-bit user (which is probably pretty rare) you will need to be online in order to use Mod Manager - at least, for the first startup. I need to test what happens if you run the tool offline, I assume many things don't work (but that's not really a bug.) I know in older builds some files wouldn't be available and the program would not startup though.

Edited by Mgamerz
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You're welcome. However my assistance isn't pro bono. I'm picking your brain later. :)

I'm confused though. Why not include the components and ancillary executables that will allow MM to fully function offline and with both architectures? The current size of the program is relatively small.

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That's a fairly decent point. I have reworked the location of some tools in RC3 so that platform specific (mainly x64 only) code is in the x64 directory. I will probably need to build some deployment tools (for myself) that will prepare a release with the correct files as it is not really possible to properly test 32-bit windows without hacking some fake stuff in.


Posted RC3. Fixes a few bugs in drag and drop and pcc data dumping, fixes the about window a bit, moves 7z to proper folder


I do not really think there is many more obvious bugs to fix, everything seems to be going smoothy now. I will possibly start soaking a final build to a limited set of users soon. Will have to write up a complete changelog, I've been slacking on updating it for the past few milestones...

Edited by Mgamerz
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Is it too late to ask to have the PCC dump files broken up into subfolers (i.e. Main game PCC files to go "Base Game" and other DLC/mods are extracted to their corresponding namesake)? This would make using a file comparison tool easier and would prevent overwriting if someone chooses to dump a mod that has a similar PCC filename.

Now that I think about it I never actually tested what occurs when you overwrite an existing file. BTW appreciate the work you do.

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It should automatically dump it into the correct folder when doing a game dump. Manually dumped PCCs most times are dumped into the main folder. It attempts to detect the DLC foldername. Edited by Mgamerz
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It should automatically dump it into the correct folder when doing a game dump. Manually dumped PCCs most times are dumped into the main folder. It attempts to detect the DLC foldername.

Oh I see. I was doing manual dumps. I didn't have enough space to allow for a full dump considering the amount of mods I have installed. Oh well. Guess I'll have do this the old fashion way.

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It should dump the correct folder as long as you drag and drop the files *while* they are installed into the game. It will detect BIOGAme/DLC and then put it into a subfolder of PCCDumps.


Anyways, I have a beta of 5.0.3 if you want to test it.


Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9bwvhTrA6pZemY3bHpkTTRVMUk/view?usp=sharing


Changelog: https://github.com/Mgamerz/me3modmanager/pull/51

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This is not really beta but I guess testing thread now.


The scanner crashed on almost all of those files in that mod. I will have to look at why but I am going to guess there is some issue with that mod (mass horizons). I think I have used it once for a test.

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