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Gold skin issue


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I'm having this really annoying issue with my character and all females in general. The skin is extremely shiny and gold. I've tried switching skin textures, switching body mods and disabling all character related mods but no matter what the skin stays gold. I couldn't find anything related to this so i hope someone can help me. thanks :3


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To anyone with a clue to fix this, perhaps help me out as well:


How does one change the face textures for supermutants?

After bringing up the supermutant textures in photoshop and changing the hue (to make them blue), and saving and bringing the new textures into the fallout 4 data/textures/actors/supermutant folder, all but the face textures load into the game. Any ideas to fix this?




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  • 2 weeks later...
You know, some people would quite enjoy this, judging by some of the mods I have seen getting endorsed :D
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