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Every time I open or close a door, objects fly EVERYWHERE


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First off, I want to apologize for being quite new to the modding world of Skyrim and playing on PC in general. So I may not have the most accurate information, but I will try my best!


Basically, every time I open or close a door in a building (inn, home, ect.) or enter a door with a loading screen, stuff FLIES EVERYWHERE. For example, let's say I enter The Frozen Hearth. Everything is fine, just talking to some NPCs...but what is that loud metal banging noise? Oh, it's just the COOKING POT FLYING AROUND AND BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS IN THE OTHER ROOM! I have no idea what to do or how to fix it! I just downloaded the Darkwater Manor (Find here: https://tinyurl.com/darkwatermanormod ) and the inside is absolutely beautiful! I love the decor...except that it keeps flinging off the shelves and across the room as soon as I open ANY DOOR. By any door, I mean that the objects vary on which room I enter. I enter the kitchen, butter, crab legs, and a rabbit leg fly across the room. Sometimes I even take damage from it! I can't exactly remember where, but there is this one cave or something with this damn wood cart/wheelbarrow that flies at the door and damages me.


So, I ask of you, the experienced modders and PC gamers, how do I fix this? Is this a normal thing that happens? Is it a mod issue? Is it a glitch with doors or the objects? Or both? And more importantly, is there a bug fix or patch or something that can fix it? I would prefer my new manor to stay neat and lovely, without having to put all the decor/objects back on the shelves.


Thank you in advance for helping, and if not helping then taking the time to read this!

Edited by LvL20Bard
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