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Weird Dawnguard Vampire Lord Bug


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This is from the mod description of the Temptress Race.



v1.3e - RaceCompatibility Addition

This was not created by me but by TMPhoenix who created the RaceCompatibility mod. He allowed me to host the files since I'd like to keep anything related to the Temptress Race in one convenient location. Please note I have not tested this optional download.


If you use the new Temptress RC patch, you should not use the Temptress vampirism patch as that would cause all sorts of incompatibilities. RaceCompatibility will take care of the vampirism.


I'm not sure how your existing save/game will act if you switch between the RC and previous Vampirism downloads. If you were already using the Vampirism update combined with Better Vampires and had no problems there really isn't a need to download the RC counterpart. This was created and made available for those that do use the RaceCompatibility mod already and needed the Temptress Race to be made compatible with it. Also for those that are just now downloading the Temptress Race mod and starting fresh.


Here are some notes on the changes by TMPhoenix:


- Added a vampire race (copied from original, only eyes are different as well as the appropriate keywords, and powers)

- Removed a few dirty edits

- added a quest + script to handle the race compatibility.

Didn't have time to play Skyrim today. I'll keep trying, but i think I'll just have to live with the problem. Thank you for helping! :)

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