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Skyrim Tera Armour helmets FACE?


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Hi i'm in a bit of a weird situation, i got tera armor unp female and male, cbbe female standalone, levelled lists and hdt bodyslide for all female tera armours in the game, the mods work ok, the helmets are invisible which is normal because i've read the main post but on the display icon of the helmets i see a face, once i equip the helmets nothing shows up which is good bcuz they're just there to give u extra armor and enchanting options i get that, but when i visualize the helmets or i drop them on the ground it is a literal paper thing like face with grey hair of a man, its disturbing and i'd love to learn how to remove it.

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Only way to modify that is if you edit the esp in CK. You would have to modify the ground mesh/texture file to something different. Its the helmetgndF.nif and helmetgndM.nif. You could change it to any of the vanilla helmets for example.

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