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Issue with Dragonborn DLC


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Hey there,


I have a problem in the temple of Miraak. I have found that black book standing in fire you have to read. When you read the book there is a quick loading screen and you see Miraak the first time introducing himself.

However, at the point he says something like '... but you have no clue about the real power of a dragonborn!' the script obviously stops working for me. He doesn't continue talking to me and just nothing else happens. Firstly I thought it was normal and looked what to do at that scene, but I found out that my game is somewhat having issues. Miraak actually is about to do a spell on you and telling you that this isn't the place you have powers or something.


Well yeah, my Miraak just stands around and stares at me laying at the ground. I already tried to load a savegame before I read the book and also have I restarted the game, but it happens over and over again.



Anyone who had that issue aswell and knows how to make it work again? I don't really want to start from begin as I'm level 70 already which took me weeks of playing... :sad:



I surely have installed a bunch of mods (NMM, SKSE), but I don't really have a clue which one would make a conflict with the script of that scene, maybe a shout mod as it stops when Miraak is about to do a shout?


To make is very precise:

At 1:27 is the point when nothing more happens to me, right before Miraak does that shout. Edited by Mayarilana
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Okey, I have found a solution by my own and for all those who happen to have the same issue, this simple trick will do it:


- open the console

- type 'enableplayercontrols'

- go to the inventory

- read the black book again


Now you get out of Apocrytha and the quest continues as usual.

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