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people being overweight, a spoon on you!, i used to be there, now im not because i actually went on a diet, and exercised every morning and night, and your here saying all this crap, get a grip mate!

people with bad genes, what are you on about, if you mean ridding the existance of disadvantaged people, then there is something wrong with you, what about steven hawkings, someone who was forced to live in a wheelchair and type words in order to speak, he managed to get by, and your here saying "get rid of them"

personally, it sounds to me your saying what you literally think straight away, i used to do the same, i never kept anything hidden, if i hated a kid at my school i would pick the right moment and say "your an idiot" but sometimes you learn not to, sometimes its best not to say exactly what you think, because bad things can come out of it.


one more person who says "my two cents" is gonna get it :P




im off swearing now, malchik once again warned me :lol:

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Well, people seem to have expressed their opinions on the matter, and we've already had a flamey post from DragonReborn. Think it's about time to put this one to rest... I hope you understand now that this sort of talk won't be tolerated on these forums Magatsu.





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