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Any Overhaul Mods being worked on?


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I was wondering if there's any hardcore modding going on right now that I can be excited about.

I see some good mods on Skyrim SE but it doesn't seem like theres a ton of things being worked on.

That's just what I see though, and it's why I'm asking.

Is there some mods I can look forward to like the Elyswere mod in the old Skyrim? Maybe a seasons mod where the seasons change?

Also any khajit mods being made atm?

I'm just curious.

I'm not requesting these mods be made, but if a mod deems it worthy to go into the Mod Request forum then feel free to relocate this thread. <3


Also I heard that Nexus is hiring web designers, are they planning on doing a overhaul on the website?


Any replies answering my questions are greatly appreciated, thank you!

Edited by Kievawolf
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No problem. Though i might pick up a mod i had been working on which would be unique stat mod that would essentially overhaul all the items in Skyrim but im settung that aside for the time being to work on a Fallout version first.
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