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Water sound playing in all cells


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So I've been working on my house mod and I must have accidentally edited some global variable because now the sound of running water plays in every cell in the game. Turning off my mod turns off the sound so it has to be something I did.


In the course of making the mod I added a couple of waterfall splash emitters inside and changed the sound profile for the cell itself. As far as I can recall I didn't touch anything else. I've gone through all of the acoustic space base files and everything else I can think of but I can't find what's making this noise!


Anyone have any insight on this? I'm going crazy trying to figure it out.


The mod itself is here if you'd like to take a look under the hood.



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I will try checking this out when I get a chance, I see others are having it too so that gives you an idea of the problem. Is the sound everywhere, or just in the exterior cell?
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I will try checking this out when I get a chance, I see others are having it too so that gives you an idea of the problem. Is the sound everywhere, or just in the exterior cell?


Thanks, I'd really appreciate it! Yeah it's happening in both interior and exterior cells. It sounds like a river or creek running. What puzzles me is there doesn't seem to be a place where you can add a sound globally.

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Hey crgobi can you tell me what other mdos you have, if any that run with the house? Water mods, etc?


No other mods. Just running the game with only my mod enabled to test and it still has the problem. I was mistaken though, it's only interior cells.

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Open it up in tessnip and check the sound records, crosscheck with sound id's you've used and try to disable water sounds you've placed, if you have not placed many sounds with water i would just delete em all, check ingame if they are gone and if they are, go back to the CK and place new sound emitters.
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Open it up in tessnip and check the sound records, crosscheck with sound id's you've used and try to disable water sounds you've placed, if you have not placed many sounds with water i would just delete em all, check ingame if they are gone and if they are, go back to the CK and place new sound emitters.


The funny thing is I have disabled all sounds emitters and sound and music properties for every cell I ever touched and still the sound persists. I just downloaded TESSnip and got it running for Skyrim... not sure what do with it though. ;) I'm pretty positive it's one of the ambient stream sound effects and those all look normal. Why it's playing in every cell though...?


I might have to scrap this mod and start over. So much work though... bleh.

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Well first off i have experienced that the tessnip is the best of use if you want to clean up a mod, the CK can handle it, but i find tessnip easier to navigate, you just need to know which record to search for. It is very likely that you will find something in tessnip if your mod gives off the sound. I can take a look at it as well later on however. Sometimes different perspectives helps when troubleshooting :)
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