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Elder Scroll Fan Game


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This is a game that is in development atm and would like to finally share with this community. Bethisda has already gave conversions to several progs eg; Andoran. And I would like to start something similar.


My game, Symphonica is a country that consist three provinces also known as county regions that follow into different environments.

Symphonica has 3 provinces; Tropics (Fortai), Waist-lands (Ash Drought) and Swamps (Areis forms). In all three provinces there is a total of six cities and half of them are major cities and one of those major cities is the capital (Philia). Scattered across the provinces there are 72 locations and 75% of them are dungeons. The planet revolved around in 12 mins so thats 1 day = 12 min (Real time).


The world size is 4.2 by 2.1 KM long I don't plan on expanding the exterior world any more than that.


If you would like to see specifics of the prog just click on the link.


Edited by MikuMD
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