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is there a way to remap the "take all" button?


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you see, im trying to write a autohotkey script so i can just access the exchange menu and take all of their inventory with a single mouse click. ive gotten it to work for the most part accept every time i use it, it makes me side step for a second because i have "a" set to strafe left. on top of that, whenever i strafe to the left, it keeps moving according to the delay i have set to the "a" key according the ahk script. im so used to the w, s, a, d configuation that id rather not change the movement keys. i was really surprised that there wasnt a mod like in oblivion where you could remap the take all button to whatever button you wanted. is there any possible unorthodox way to remap the take all button? Edited by KimCheeWarrior
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