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How do you use Presets/Racemenu/Saved data with MO?


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I can supply an example using Frostfall and Campfire. After you start the game, and configure Campfire/Frostfall, exit the game, open MO, and you'll find a folder waiting for you in the Overwrites folder (assuming you don't leave other items in Overwrites). That folder will contain your Campfire and Frostfall preferences; right-click Overwrites and create a mod from from that folder and enable it....you now have Campfire/Frostfall preferences you can use across any profile that uses those mods. The Categorized Favorites Menu mod will also do something similar. I haven't bothered with presets in Racemenu, so I can't speak to that.


Of course, you could just leave the preferences in the Overwrites folder to have them apply to all of your profiles, but it's cleaner, and less troublesome, to make a mod out of them.

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If a mod saves data to a file at any point during the game, the output file will be found within MO's overwrite folder complete with all required folder structure. As Burnspot stated, you can right click on the overwrite folder and create a new mod to help keep your preferences, presets and other mod related data separated by profile as desired.


Your actual save games will still be located within your Documents folder unless you've activated the "local savegames" option in MO for a particular profile. In that scenario, your save files will be located within the "Mod Orgainzer \ Profiles \ <profile name> \ Saves" folder.

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