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I can't justify being evil and be the Dragonborn


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Same as the OP here. Tried to play the bad characters. Tried to be evil, join the DB or Thieves Guild. Got a ways in the latter; nowhere in the former. Felt...wrong. Didn't care for it.


I have always wondered why there are so few guilds/associations in Beth games that reward you for being an upstanding citizen. Are these things games or social experiments? Hmm, give players a loose narrative, lots of freedom and a ton of rewards for being evil or serving evil deities. Then see how many of them still choose to struggle along the path of good?


For sure the majority of quests which offer real rewards involve being evil or serving evil. Seems...odd...to me. Now, if there were real consequences for this, it would be one thing. Maybe the Greybeards/Blades/Companions refuse to aid you if you're evil, and you have to go it alone, figuring out the whole Dragonborn thing on your own. Maybe cities shun you and force you to live with bandits for companions. Stuff like that.


But as it is now...nope, just go be an evil asshat. Not even a radio dee jay to talk bad about you in Skyrim.

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I will say the quest for different alignment play style is quite unbalanced...


There are tons of evil or disrespect law quest with long, detailed and rewarding story background like thief guild and dark brotherhood.


While some basic "good alignment" guild like mage college and Companion are not as detailed as above... especially the companion quest line, short and simple...


I really like the idea that you DB were hired to kill you after you do some thievery.... But why don't there are some random werewolf hunter after you if you are with companion?


Or DB going after you because you stopped some crime?



For evil character, if there is a way to join Audin and rule over the world, that will be nice touch too.

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Saving the world just happens to be a bi-product of your addiction to the feeling of consuming dragon souls.


Your ultimate aim is to be as powerful as a daedra and worshipped as one.


It would be mighty handy to be as powerful as possible once your contractor brings about the oblivion with the item you just stole for him

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you are the Dragonborn you are powerful


power corrupts, abselute power corrupts abselutly



but hey you are the only one in the entire world that can truly slay dragons, your bound to crack and in turn crack some other ppls skulls open...

you cant expect someone be a ultimate paragon all the way through the pressure of being the dragonborn, you not commander shepard


i went along as a good guy first but then... every damn horse i bought was murderd.. so i started to steal them then they got murderd too all the time cause they think they are orcs and charge off at the enemy

quite annoying then when i sneak to kill that deer for some food and leather and i got the perfect shot aligned, my bloody companion goes HELLO cause they cant sneak for s*** annoys me a lot not to mention they are awesome of standing in the way of my arrows/spells slashes/smashes so i end up killing them quite a lot, which is also annoying


then one day in whiterun i was minding my own buisness going to sell my stuff and this little girl comes up *HEY im not afraid of you!*.... i still hear those words at night followed by the screams of the citizens of whiterun as i impaled her with my sword, now im sitting here in the sanctuary of the darkbrotherhood, this jesterlooking guy thinks i got potential the rest thinks im insane and want to cash in to the 40 contracts for my head. atleast sheogorath is my friend *giggles* STRAWBERRYTARTS ON A HORKER!.


*i drifted away a bit there Cough*


so how much justification do you need to be *evil* i just call it anger management XD

Edited by Qerewen
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It's all down to the individual, I don't see anything that would imply as Dragonborn you can't be evil, the Dragons were supposed to bring about the end of the world, it's in your own interest good or bad to see that doesn't happen.


My first play through which like someone else was never finished due to bugs making it unplayable. While deciding what sort of character I would be in the second play through, I thought it seemed a bit mindless to just do everything and join everything for no other reason than quests, so I decided my character was going to have character and be as good as possible and I didn't join the thieves guild, who steal from people who can barely put a roof over their head, they aren't a real thieves guild just a bunch of thugs in the service of MBlackfriar or what ever her name is, or the DB who take contracts to kill people who don't deserve to die, I mean come on... twice I did a contract for some looser gambler who could afford to pay for a hit on ? just because he owed them money, why didn't he pay his debts and stop gambling. I have finished the second game and don't feel I missed out on anything, in fact many times I felt quite smug, when I saw Brynjolf standing all night in the market place and that greasy little lizard bloke in Solitude, whispering every time I walked/ran passed him. I've been everywhere, except for one place that was TG quest related, what is one place.

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Skyrim does a seem bit geared to GTA type players, as if written by people who have a fetish for dungeons and believe "freedom" is a license to kill.


Anyway, OP, you're character is trying to postpone the end of a corrupt cycle, trying to save a world that can't save itself. What's so good about being Dragonborn? You have dragon in you yet are destined to kill all of your own kind.

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anyway, if you're looking for an RPG loaded with morality choices and integrated storyline/quests

i'd suggest looking into Dragon Age 1 Origins-Awakenings..


DA:Origins was the game that got me back into gaming.


DAO is very close to perfect. Even the sequel is a remarkable game, though for some reason people weren't as impressed with it.

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