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CK: lightmarkers turn red and dont emit anything


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First, move the camera closer to the light. If the camera is too far the light will not be rendered to prevent performance issues. You can bypass this by double-clicking on the light, choosing "Light options" tab (or something like that, the tab has 'light' in its name), and checking the "Never fades" checkbox.


Alternatively, click once on the light to highlight it, press and hold the S key and click and hold the left mouse button on the light and drag the pointer upwards. This will increase the light radius.


If the result of increasing the radius is not visible, or is barely visible, click once on the light to highlight it, press and hold Ctrl+Alt+S and click and hold the left mouse button on the light and drag the pointer upwards. This will increase the light intensity.


I don't mean to insult your intelligence or anything with this, but also do make sure that the "Initially disabled" option is unchecked


Hope this helps.

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Nope, none of the above I'm afraid, this is happening with new lights I create as well, just shadow casters though.


EDIT: SOLVED Go to render window properties, click on shaders and make sure shadows is ticked

Edited by TyrisBel
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