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ENB Causes Crash My Game


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I have a problem with ENB mods.


When I play the game with an ENB, game crashes (sometimes freezes, but only game freezes, game sound is still continue, and I close it from Task Manager) after 10-15 minutes of gameplay, especially in open areas. I've tons of mods includes textures, meshes and .esp mods, but this isn't the problem, BECAUSE:


1- I've tested without .esp mods, but with textures and ENB, ctash after 10-15 minutes.

2- Tested without textures and meshes, but with ENB and .esp mods, again crashes.

3- Tested without all mods, ENB, textures, meshes and .esp, only SKYUI actived; no crash, I've played the game 01.30 hour without any problems (with too much fast traveling, discovered open world, making quests etc.)


Two ENB which I tried:



2- Skyrim bathed by the sun of Brazil -Realistic Effects and co


My specs:


Intel Core i5 2400 3.10 GHZ (stock)

NVidia GTS 250 1 GB 256 bit (stock)

4 GB Kingston RAM 1333 MHZ

Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit

Skyrim latest version:

Latest version of SKSE and Script Dragon (they aren't the problem I know, just sayin')


(*All drivers are up to date.)


Firstly, this is not an hardware issue BECAUSE:


All hardware components temps are normal, no overheating.

No overused RAM, I've checked it, without any mods, RAM usage was between 1.40-1.70, with mods 2.30-2.50, my maximum RAM capacity is 3.50 due to Windows 32 bit addressing system)


So what is the problem? I want to play this game with an ENB, there is no lagging, no stuttering, no missing textures, no overheating or no overused hardware component, why ENB series doesn't love me?


I'm waiting for your helps.

Edited by TuCoT
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I have same problem. ENB makes game not start at all. I had no problems with ENB before i downloaded creation kit. Then CK messed Steam somehow. I had to remove Steam and reinstall everything. Now Skyrim works ok, i haven't yet reinstalled CK, but as I said ENB don't work.
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Looks like this starts to happen after patch 1.4 but I don't know. No lag, no missing textures, but why?



There is a new update for NVidia driver, I will try with that too.

Edited by TuCoT
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I think I solved the problem: The problem is not ENB or texture mods, problem is my skyrim.ini settings. I changed them with another values(uGridtoLoad and ExteriorBuffer) now my game turns normal, I've tried to play more than a half hour with making too much traveling around the world with many fast traveling and interior access.





uInterior Cell Buffer=6

uExterior Cell Buffer=36




But before, you must load your save-game with default settings, then making an alt+tab, then change your uGrid to whatever you want (mine is 5, changed from 7) then save, and get to your game with alt+tab again, open console, type saveini then type refreshini, then you can save your game and load again with no problem. Hope this helps someone.

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