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Armour/weapon sets with shortcuts


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In Skyrim you can put items in your favourite list, and make shortcuts, so they can be switched with a single button

But you have to make every single item for itself. If you want to switch between light an heavy amour, you always have to press at least 4 buttons.

I think it would be nice to be able to switch a whole set of items at once, similar to wow.

You would equip your whole stealth armour with a dagger and bind it to your " 1 " button. Then you would equip your heavy amour, for fights, und would bind it to the " 2 " button. You would be able to switch between them by pressing " 1 " or " 2 ".

Sorry if the english is a bit bad, but i think its understandable.

I hope someone can help me with this, or someone would like to make this mod

mfg Marius

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