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Oblivion Error Message

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With the right upgrades your machine could run Oblivion quite comfortably as long as you didn't max out all your settings. I ran Oblivion for several months on a machine with poorer specs than yours.


Dell Dimension 2400

Celeron 2.4 CPU

Onboard graphic - no PCI-e or AGP slot, only PCI slots


I Upgraded the Ram to 2 gigs and installed a Visiontech ATI x1300 PCI graphics card. The game ran well at 800x600 with HDR on and most settings on high, as long as I didn't use AA - which was a real FPS killer.


Since you have an AGP slot, you have a lot more options available for upgrading your video card. It all depends on whether you think it is worth your money to upgrade this machine or get a new one. In my own case I wasn't prepared to buy a new rig at that time, and I knew that when I did eventually get a new computer, I would continue to make use of my old one for other things.


I tried Oldblivion and I wasn't satisfied with it, that's why I upgraded. For me it was money well spent, but your situation might be different. :smile:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Okay, How would I get more RAM? Cause I think thats all it really needs, I downloaded the "oldblivion" so im all good their. So can you please help me out with RAM and where I can get it.

Thanks, Lt. 1st Class McGregor

1st let me also say I'm glad your home safe & sound & thanks for defending our freedom, I solute you sir.


The 2 weak points of your PC are this.

Memory: 510MB RAM (it's actually 512 I'm sure)

Display Memory: 64.0 MB (very low rating I'm afraid)


These are both hardware issues, you can’t download something to improve them, you will have to make a purchase.

You are may be caught between a rock & a hard place because if you buy a new PC with Vista you will need to buy a higher end machine than you would if you bought one with Xp. Now is just not a good time to buy a computer.

There may be light at the end of the tunnel though if RGMage2 is correct, if you can buy a inexpensive 128 or 256 video card your set. Then buy more RAM to bring you up to 1 gig or more (if your PC has 4 slots you should just buy 2 more 512 RAM SIMMs) if you can afford it than Oblivion should run.

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