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Some archery/ranger things


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I've seen some good ones out there, but only a couple nitpicky things that I would like to see in skyrim.


The first is a longbow that is about this big.


next would be a change in where the quiver is something like this, but there would have to be an animation change to go with it.


Also a nice set of light armor to go with it. I searched and this is a decent representation of what look/colour I was looking for. Although maybe make it a little more leathery than clothy.


That is pretty much what I haven't really seen on here that I was looking for. It is possible that I might have missed something, and if there are some mods on here that do one of these please tell me.



Thanks for reading

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I can help you with parts of this.


Scout Armor by Doodaboom



Pretty much spot on what ya want.


Real Mans Longbow by Jacksmith15



The longbow isn't as big as you wanted it to, but it's a start.


Good hunting to you.

Edited by Adrius2
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All that armor is missing is a cloak and some green. Maybe have a little cloth in it, but that is just me being nitpicky. I don't want it to look like a tunic, but I don't want it to look too much like well armor


That bow is good except as you said it is small. Maybe it will update with a resized version.

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