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You know what i hate?


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I hate:


1. Stupid fuc*ing people. Just stupid people in general. Everywhere, ingame, in real life, that moron that decides he's better than you because he drives a BMfuc*kingW and I drive a Focfuc*ingus and cuts me off while listening to his "oh so cool" Josh Groban fag. I'll tell you all about how he picked his teeth out of the curb, later.


2. Crotch rockets and the assh*les who ride them.


3. Jetskis and the assh*les who ride them fast in a no wake zone while I'm fishing.


4. People walking past me on the street giving me that "hard gangsta" look/stare then I stop and glare and they run like little girls.


5. 400lb chicks who order a BigMac, fries, parfait and a DIET Coke.


6. That really hot girl in the store with a great ass. And 3 kids. And 6 tattoos. And a kazillion reasons I could pull her abusive, momma's boy, boyfriend apart.


7. That really hot girl in the store with a great ass, great eyes. And even ONE kid.


8. A guy driving his $89898989898989 car 40 miles over the speed limit, and drunk and gets a fine. Me, taking photos of an old building and getting time in jail. WTF????


9. Bosses.


10. Cost of living: $2000 per month. Pay: $1100 per month.


11. George Dubbya.


12. People who play that stupid, fuc*ing, gay, "Guitarhero", and then act surprised when they can't play that song on a REAL Gibson.


13. Guys who like to dress in girly jeans.


14. Goths.


15. God.


16. The Church and it's little sheep.


17. Weak beer.


18. Weak cigarettes.


19. World of Warcraft.


20. Uncomfortable boots.


21. Reading.


22. People who read. STFU. The movie is better.


23. Rednecks.


24. Yuppies.


25. TV "doctors".


26. Oprah.


27. Home and Garden TV.


28. That GF who tries to make me watch Home and Garden.


29. Women.


30. The fact that everyone in town thinks I'm gay or married. Because I moved BACK to NY with my mother. I live with my mother to help her. BFD.


31. Horseflies.


33. Warm beer.


34. Romantic Comedies.


35. The Eagles.


36. Pink Floyd.


37. Rainy day on my day off.


38. Tree huggers.


39. Hippies.


40. The store you need to get to after work, that closes at 4.


41. Bankers hours.


42. Cell phone cancellation fees. WTF? Charged me $200 because I moved 2900 miles away....


43. People who ask me if they can ask me something.


44. Tourists.


45. Point/Shoot cameras.


46. People who use them and feel professional.


47. Employees in stores who keep walking when you are obviously lost.


48. When you call 911 and you are put on hold. (Welcome to my world)


49. Liars.


50. That REALLY hot girl at the bank behind the counter, that can't seem to understand "I'd like to make a withdrawl". I could see if we were having sex and I said that, resulting in a confused look....but I'm in a bank and never met her. *sigh*

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I hate:


1. Stupid fuc*ing people. Just stupid people in general. Everywhere, ingame, in real life, that moron that decides he's better than you because he drives a BMfuc*kingW and I drive a Focfuc*ingus and cuts me off while listening to his "oh so cool" Josh Groban fag. I'll tell you all about how he picked his teeth out of the curb, later.


2. Crotch rockets and the assh*les who ride them.


3. Jetskis and the assh*les who ride them fast in a no wake zone while I'm fishing.


4. People walking past me on the street giving me that "hard gangsta" look/stare then I stop and glare and they run like little girls.


5. 400lb chicks who order a BigMac, fries, parfait and a DIET Coke.


6. That really hot girl in the store with a great ass. And 3 kids. And 6 tattoos. And a kazillion reasons I could pull her abusive, momma's boy, boyfriend apart.


7. That really hot girl in the store with a great ass, great eyes. And even ONE kid.


8. A guy driving his $89898989898989 car 40 miles over the speed limit, and drunk and gets a fine. Me, taking photos of an old building and getting time in jail. WTF????


9. Bosses.


10. Cost of living: $2000 per month. Pay: $1100 per month.


11. George Dubbya.


12. People who play that stupid, fuc*ing, gay, "Guitarhero", and then act surprised when they can't play that song on a REAL Gibson.


13. Guys who like to dress in girly jeans.


14. Goths.


15. God.


16. The Church and it's little sheep.


17. Weak beer.


18. Weak cigarettes.


19. World of Warcraft.


20. Uncomfortable boots.


21. Reading.


22. People who read. STFU. The movie is better.


23. Rednecks.


24. Yuppies.


25. TV "doctors".


26. Oprah.


27. Home and Garden TV.


28. That GF who tries to make me watch Home and Garden.


29. Women.


30. The fact that everyone in town thinks I'm gay or married. Because I moved BACK to NY with my mother. I live with my mother to help her. BFD.


31. Horseflies.


33. Warm beer.


34. Romantic Comedies.


35. The Eagles.


36. Pink Floyd.


37. Rainy day on my day off.


38. Tree huggers.


39. Hippies.


40. The store you need to get to after work, that closes at 4.


41. Bankers hours.


42. Cell phone cancellation fees. WTF? Charged me $200 because I moved 2900 miles away....


43. People who ask me if they can ask me something.


44. Tourists.


45. Point/Shoot cameras.


46. People who use them and feel professional.


47. Employees in stores who keep walking when you are obviously lost.


48. When you call 911 and you are put on hold. (Welcome to my world)


49. Liars.


50. That REALLY hot girl at the bank behind the counter, that can't seem to understand "I'd like to make a withdrawl". I could see if we were having sex and I said that, resulting in a confused look....but I'm in a bank and never met her. *sigh*


I think you need a hug


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I hate our school rules (it's a catholic school)


We have a screwy rule wherein you have to have a damned haircut that makes you look like a soldier.


It is also "not allowed" to bring cellular phones and other gadgets (handhelds like the PSP, DS, mp3 players and the like) on school festivities where we are supposed to have fun (they help in killing time in case they have nothin to do). Apparently the school's priority is the formation of character through values. Sickening.


Our Disciplinarian complains too much. We break one rule and she goes "If you cannot follow the rules and regulations, you don't deserve to be in this school". turkey.


No student freedom must really suck.

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I hate:


1. Stupid fuc*ing people. Just stupid people in general. Everywhere, ingame, in real life, that moron that decides he's better than you because he drives a BMfuc*kingW and I drive a Focfuc*ingus and cuts me off while listening to his "oh so cool" Josh Groban fag. I'll tell you all about how he picked his teeth out of the curb, later.


2. Crotch rockets and the assh*les who ride them.


3. Jetskis and the assh*les who ride them fast in a no wake zone while I'm fishing.


4. People walking past me on the street giving me that "hard gangsta" look/stare then I stop and glare and they run like little girls.


5. 400lb chicks who order a BigMac, fries, parfait and a DIET Coke.


6. That really hot girl in the store with a great ass. And 3 kids. And 6 tattoos. And a kazillion reasons I could pull her abusive, momma's boy, boyfriend apart.


7. That really hot girl in the store with a great ass, great eyes. And even ONE kid.


8. A guy driving his $89898989898989 car 40 miles over the speed limit, and drunk and gets a fine. Me, taking photos of an old building and getting time in jail. WTF????


9. Bosses.


10. Cost of living: $2000 per month. Pay: $1100 per month.


11. George Dubbya.


12. People who play that stupid, fuc*ing, gay, "Guitarhero", and then act surprised when they can't play that song on a REAL Gibson.


13. Guys who like to dress in girly jeans.


14. Goths.


15. God.


16. The Church and it's little sheep.


17. Weak beer.


18. Weak cigarettes.


19. World of Warcraft.


20. Uncomfortable boots.


21. Reading.


22. People who read. STFU. The movie is better.


23. Rednecks.


24. Yuppies.


25. TV "doctors".


26. Oprah.


27. Home and Garden TV.


28. That GF who tries to make me watch Home and Garden.


29. Women.


30. The fact that everyone in town thinks I'm gay or married. Because I moved BACK to NY with my mother. I live with my mother to help her. BFD.


31. Horseflies.


33. Warm beer.


34. Romantic Comedies.


35. The Eagles.


36. Pink Floyd.


37. Rainy day on my day off.


38. Tree huggers.


39. Hippies.


40. The store you need to get to after work, that closes at 4.


41. Bankers hours.


42. Cell phone cancellation fees. WTF? Charged me $200 because I moved 2900 miles away....


43. People who ask me if they can ask me something.


44. Tourists.


45. Point/Shoot cameras.


46. People who use them and feel professional.


47. Employees in stores who keep walking when you are obviously lost.


48. When you call 911 and you are put on hold. (Welcome to my world)


49. Liars.


50. That REALLY hot girl at the bank behind the counter, that can't seem to understand "I'd like to make a withdrawl". I could see if we were having sex and I said that, resulting in a confused look....but I'm in a bank and never met her. *sigh*


I think you need a hug



Hehe :P Hey, after I hit the third one, I was on a roll! haha. yup, I was bored.

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I hate our school rules (it's a catholic school)


We have a screwy rule wherein you have to have a damned haircut that makes you look like a soldier.


It is also "not allowed" to bring cellular phones and other gadgets (handhelds like the PSP, DS, mp3 players and the like) on school festivities where we are supposed to have fun (they help in killing time in case they have nothin to do). Apparently the school's priority is the formation of character through values. Sickening.


Our Disciplinarian complains too much. We break one rule and she goes "If you cannot follow the rules and regulations, you don't deserve to be in this school". turkey.


No student freedom must really suck.


Damn, much different when I was in school. We got away with a LOT of crap. I screwed around like the rest of them, but never targeted one of the poor teachers....but this is funny: There was this teacher named Mr. Hood, who taught math. Well, long story short, they wound up tossing his file cabinets out the window, throwing the desks all over the room, scattering his papers in the halls, and out the window, too. They made the poor man cry!!


We could have (back then...) CD players-the portable ones, walkmans, and gameboys and use them in studyhall, lunch, etc. I just brought my CD player, a cheap one in case it got stolen. LOL, what was a cellphone? In our school if you broke a rule, the Principal would determine how bad the offence was, and most of the time you got detention. The detention "guy", "guard", "teacher" w/e they are; was a nutcase. He'd be sitting there one second, then all of a sudden burst into laughter. We were all like: WTF?


But damn, school sounds more like bootcamp today. That sux man.

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I hate our school rules (it's a catholic school)


We have a screwy rule wherein you have to have a damned haircut that makes you look like a soldier.


It is also "not allowed" to bring cellular phones and other gadgets (handhelds like the PSP, DS, mp3 players and the like) on school festivities where we are supposed to have fun (they help in killing time in case they have nothin to do). Apparently the school's priority is the formation of character through values. Sickening.


Our Disciplinarian complains too much. We break one rule and she goes "If you cannot follow the rules and regulations, you don't deserve to be in this school". turkey.


No student freedom must really suck.


Damn, much different when I was in school. We got away with a LOT of crap. I screwed around like the rest of them, but never targeted one of the poor teachers....but this is funny: There was this teacher named Mr. Hood, who taught math. Well, long story short, they wound up tossing his file cabinets out the window, throwing the desks all over the room, scattering his papers in the halls, and out the window, too. They made the poor man cry!!


We could have (back then...) CD players-the portable ones, walkmans, and gameboys and use them in studyhall, lunch, etc. I just brought my CD player, a cheap one in case it got stolen. LOL, what was a cellphone? In our school if you broke a rule, the Principal would determine how bad the offence was, and most of the time you got detention. The detention "guy", "guard", "teacher" w/e they are; was a nutcase. He'd be sitting there one second, then all of a sudden burst into laughter. We were all like: WTF?


But damn, school sounds more like bootcamp today. That sux man.


Tell me about it.

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