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All of my texture files quit working . . .


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. . . when I moved my game to a different computer. The new computer was not made for gaming and is just a temporary compromise 'til I get my new machine. But the only real problem I've had has been with my texture files.


The texture files I download with other players' mods all work just fine, and file size hasn't been a problem.


When I try using one of my own textures, everything looks fine in the CK. But in-game, the textures all show as something like colored glitter.


If this is something really basic that I've managed to miss all this time, I'd be happy to get a suggestion as to where I might go to get some remedial computer graphics know-how.


Thanks for reading. :)



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This seems like a problem with file resolution or whatever compression type you used. Try compressing them with BC2 /DXT3 compression. If that doesnt change the problem I'm afraid your erstwhile solution is not capable of rendering them correctly.

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@metaforce: thank you for you reply. I don't know much about how compression works, so I've been reading. I may have worked on something like 5000 texture files wo ever stopping to worry about compression. (Until recently, I used an image editor called Paint Shop Pro, but I'm moving to gimp now. And I know gimp won't let me ignore the compression issues.)


I have no idea why all of my image files go wonky when applied through this laptop. But my guess is that I'll be able to use the files when I get a new machine. I can wait. But it's good to know that there isn't some obvious, dumb mistake I was making that kept me from using my files.



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